Island Trip

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Dan had been awake at 7 in the morning, even though his plane was booked at 1. Today, he would be going by himself, no guardian by his side, no nothing. He was 19 now, he had no need for an adult. He had read all about the tropical island, and was excited to go there, hearing a legend that the strongest and happiest couples met on that island. His parents, for whatever reason, were always so...protective. The sad truth was, he was already supposed to marry a friend of his named Lia. His parents always sheltered him from such things, never even sparing the details of how they met. 

First time to everything, huh? He thought hopefully to himself. 

He was always considered the ball of joy in the family, his aunts and uncles and grandparents all agreed, he was so full of life, so energetic, compared to his parents who were average in everything, perfectly normal. 

But normal was far from what they were. 

Even though the young man had no idea, years ago, they had changed the Black family for the worse permanently. 


"ALEXANDER BLACK, ARE YOU IN THERE?" called a deep voice.


The man lifted his head up and sighed. "Please sir, I have no idea what you are talking about. Just hear me ou-"

Just then, Magnus saw his little sister being dragged out from the hair into the living room. The buff man began twisting her arm a little bit. 
"Come on big guy, admit to your crimes, I'd rather you not get your child hurt." 

"What?! I didn't! And there's no way this is even legal, LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!!" 

"Oh, this? You think a petty law will get in the way of a Kouzo?"

And then, Magnus heard his father yell louder, something so unusual, so terrifying. He was a calm an serene man who always tried to make peace, but this... "MAGGIE, GET OUT OF THIS PLACE! RUN WHEREVER YOU CAN, AND DON'T COME BACK!" 

Maggie....He hated that nickname as a child with a passion. It was so girly, but little did he know, that would be the last time his father called him that. So all he could do was push his tears back and run. For what had to have been months, he had no home. And one fateful day, while digging around, he saw his sister's name on a piece of newspaper.

"5 year old Emily Black mysteriously died."

The picture attached was beyond gruesome. His sister's bones were all disjointed, blood running out of her mouth and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. He wanted to throw up. 

It was then a group of kids who also seemed to have lost their place in the world took him in.


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