A Vision For A Family

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[Viv's Voice]: "A famous comedian once said, 'Families are like fudge -- mostly sweet, but there's also some nuts in there.'

Now even though that was said to make people laugh, it also holds a good point. No family is perfect, everyone has their quirks, their differences. Some might think them a bit odd, even dysfunctional perhaps. But it's actually those differences that make the family better, and in the end, it can help them become stronger. Together.

That's something I learned through a series of events that really helped me see things differently...

My name is Vivian Vision, but I am known to most as Viv. And this is the story of how I gained and lost a new family..."


***Apartment, Bedroom***

The sun had just risen halfway above the horizon and was already shining vividly through the curtains of the room.

In the bed laid a young girl, a teenager. But she was different. With the body of vibranium and the skin color of red pink, hair of green and purple ends and a shiny yellow gem in the middle of her forehead. All of these were the features of Vivian Vision. Teen-synthezoid and Next Avenger.

As the light outside grew brighter, the illuminated numbers of the alarm clock that set on the bedside table turned to 8:00 AM, and it began to beep repeatedly. This caused the teen-synthezoid to turn over onto her back and groan a little before lazily opening her eyes. Taking in a letting out a deep breath, she sat up straight and looked toward the part of the room that was painted orange by the rising sun outside and couldn't help but smile.

Tossing back the covers, she got up from her bed and walked out of her room, to the kitchen of the apartment. As she neared it, she could hear the sounds of a TV show and kitchen utensils clinking. Also the smells of food cooking were there. Though she didn't eat food, Viv could still smell it and enjoy the smell of good food.

Exiting the hallway and entering the kitchen, she saw a scarlet-haired woman watching a show on the countertop TV with a glass of orange juice in hand. A smile came to Viv's face as she saw this before looking to the screen and analyzing the entertainment. Within a few seconds, Viv recognized it as The Dick Van Dyke Show, recognizing the titular actor as he played Rob Petrie, and his beautiful co-star/TV wife, Mary Tyler Moore. Viv soon identified the episode as 'Coast To Coast Big Mouth', the episode where Laura Petrie had let it slip that Alan Brady, Rob's boss, played by the ever humorous Carl Reiner, was bald. This was one of her favorites, and she wasn't the only one.

When it came to the part of Laura going to apologize to Alan and he hurt his already casted leg/foot, Viv laughed and so did the other woman who still had her back facing her. But when she heard Viv laugh behind her, the woman turned to face her and revealed herself to be Wanda Maximoff. Upon turning, she smiled at the presence of the teen-synthezoid.

"Hey Viv!" She greeted gleefully, still coming down from the laugh attack of the show.

"Good morning, Wanda," Viv replied with a respectful nod and a smile of her own.

"How did you sleep?"

"Quite well, thank you. You?"

"Oh, it could've been a little better, but I'll live."

The two laughed at that and Wanda continued with her cooking and Viv took a seat at the counter and turned her attention to the show as well.

As she watched, Viv would occasionally look to Wanda and smile as she saw her laugh at something funny on the show, which she too would laugh at. And when she sat down to eat, she and Viv would have moments where they would smile and laugh together. So much so that attention would drift away from the TV and more between them.

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