Queen of Betrayal

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The Avengers are escorting me through the palace in Asgard. All hand-cuffed and stuff. Every now and then, I'll get a glare from one of them, not that it matters to me.

I can't change who my parents are. And, even if I could, I wouldn't. I like playing along with my father's games. Insane? Yes. Evil? A hundred percent. A good father? Zilch, nope, nada. Going to double-cross me? Actually, no. He is many things, but he stays true to his word. He just.. bends the truth a little. 

Still. It's amusing. And, when the time comes, and he has everything he wants, I will have what I want. And what do you want? a little voice inside me asks.

Shut up. I tell it.

"--And I swear, by Odin's beard, if you even think of betrayal, I will personally rip out your throat." Oof. Was Thor talking this whole time? Possibly threatening me. Yeaaaah.

I look at Thor for a long moment, unblinking. Then, my face cracks into a smile. "Ha! You almost got me there. Oh- but don't worry, Mr. Thunderer sir, I'm sure you can be very scary at times."

I've already decided this: Maybe cooperate with these 'Avengers'. But, if I do, I'll just make it as slow and as painful as possible.

"I don't like you." Ironman says to me.

"Ahhhh.. maybe I should change outfits then?" I melt into an illusion, disguising myself as Agent Coulson. A few of the Avengers flinch. A few scowl. I smirk internally at their reactions.

Then Doctor Banner says, "Uh, please don't- do that."

I send the illusion away, replacing it with a Bucky disguise.

"Why do we need her again?" Cap looks away from me.

"Because I'm with you to the very end." I say, parroting Bucky's words.

"Because she's the only one that has the key to Loki's 'secret vault'." Stark says, "Aside from Loki himself, but we can't find him."

I send the illusion away, giving them all a weary look. "Ahhhh.. Ehhhhh.. Well. The thing is-" I cut myself short when I see the looks on their faces. "Tough crowd."

"Why are we trusting her, though? She helped Loki during New York! And she wasn't even mind-controlled to do so!" Tony growls.

"She can give us answers." Thor says.

"And what's stopping her from-"

"Guys." Steve says, giving away my position.

Damn. I was just about to walk off when he caught me. I was already a good ten feet away from the group.

"And where do you think you are going?" Thor pins me against a column.

"Wow, uh, do you always hold your enemies this close, or am I just the lucky girl who caught your eye?" I say, teasing my uncle. He scowls. I stick my tongue out, and teleport behind him. 

"Now. You've got to trust me just, like, a tiny bit if this relationship is going to work out. So, we'll have to get rid of these," I say, tossing the handcuffs to Steve, that weren't ever really going to hold me.

"It's hard to trust the daughter of Loki." Tony says.

Then don't. A part of me whispers.

"Whoa there. I don't want to be known for who I know. Besides, I'm more than Loki's daughter. I'm also the Goddess of Chance and the Queen of Betrayal. Though, the whole 'Queen' part is just a title that-" I pause, considering what I just said, "Actually, I see your point. You may continue scorning me."

"And here I thought the God of Mischief was bad." Steve mutters.

"Anyhoo, I'll just keep going this way.." I say continuing to walk in the direction I was going.

"You must take us for fools, Nehena. You aren't slipping away that easily."

"I'm not slipping away," I suddenly start sprinting, "I'm running."

I sense the Avenger's chasing after me. So, just to make it difficult, I make two other illusions of myself, splitting up. Now, I can continue my beeline for the Throne Room without, like, seven people tailing me.

I burst through the door, Steve, Thor, and Natasha following only a heartbeat after.

Steve tackles me and pins me to the floor.

"Oh my, Captain. Getting comfortable, are we?" I tease, "You haven't taken me out to dinner yet."

I kick him off and do a few backflips and land on the throne. Smirking a little, I cross my legs just for good measure.

"Did you know that Odin once said that, 'An empire built on fear is destine to fall, but an empire controlled by fear only shows the ruler's own weakness'." I drum on the armrest with my fingers, "I think it's some kind of cruel irony that he said that, since that's exactly was his son tried to do a few, like, centuries later."

"Get off the throne of Asgard."

"Oh, I'm sorry I sat down in a golden chair. But, it's a beautiful symbol, don't you think?"

"Lead us to the vault. Or, you can give us the key." Natasha says, "Either way, you'll give us what we want."

The rest of the Avengers burst through the doorway, their weapons in hand. Now, I'm not a scaredy cat, but I know that there are some fights that I don't need to win.

Besides, I need to get back to my father so we can discuss our plans. And, my energy has finally reached the correct amount so I can teleport away and, like, not pass out.

"Give it up, Nehena." Thor says, swing his goddamn hammer around, "You're surrounded."

"Our little chat has been very entertaining, but, ahhhhh, I have to go now."

"And where do you think you're going?" Clint says, readying an arrow.

I get up, and bow slightly. "Home."

And then I teleport out, leaving the Avengers back in Asgard.

Word Count: 982 Words.

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