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The smell of waffles greeted Derek Shepherd as he opened his bedroom door, pulling his t-shirt on over his still slightly damp hair. He would be lying if he said he hadn't been hoping for his girlfriend's specialty, and his stomach growled in appreciation as he moved down the hall. It was Maggie's morning to cook, and she was clearly going all out. He loved waking up like that. Actually he loved waking up to his girlfriend in bed with him but since they both had to get to work, this was probably the better choice. Her being in bed would have just made them never really want to move. And he could never complain about warm waffles.

Music was playing softly from the kitchen and he grinned as he imagined her shaking her body to the music. She had absolutely no rhythm at all, but it was one of her cutest habits, dancing while she made breakfast. Even after two years, he found her to be completely adorable. He still couldn't believe how well things were going for them. He hadn't really been looking for anyone when he had met her at a mutual friend's party but he had found her impossible to resist from the second he had laid eyes on her. She had been amazing and still was. Her smile was infectious, her body imperfect in a perfect way, and she just about one of the nicest, sweetest people he had ever met. His family loved her, which was a miracle, and she never pressured him about the next step in their relationship. When he had asked her to move in, she had kissed him softly and agreed. Falling in love with Maggie Bryant had been easy.

Everything about being with her was easy. He had never lived with a girl before but living with her had hardly taken any adjusting or adapting, it had just worked. And Derek couldn't imagine being much happier than he was right now. Life was coming together perfectly for him. When he had worked construction jobs to pay his way through college, he never would have imagined he would one day own his own business with his best friend, and be one of the most sought after contractors in Seattle. But that's where he was now. His job was incredible, he was making good money, and he had an adorable girlfriend who was singing along to her iPod. He should stop her. Once she realized how much he had seen and heard, she would definitely be embarrassed but it really was a nice way to wake up. Waking up to someone who loved mornings as much as he did, who always managed to be smiling made it that much easier.

So instead, he leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and smirked as she sang along to some top 40s hit, her voice entirely off key. She was shaking her body and using a spoon as a microphone. He had no idea where things were going with them, but every once in a while, he figured he could probably wake up like this every day for the rest of his life. It was such a big thought, it was huge. He knew he loved her, that much had been clear from almost the second he had met her but to think about settling down forever definitely sent his head for a loop. But she didn't seem to be in a rush, and that was good enough for him for now. "Derek!" she gasped as she turned, the spoon falling to the tile floor. "Holy crap!"


"How...how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough."

"Of course," she laughed, leaning in to kiss him. "Morning."


"Your mom called while you were in the shower."

"She did?"

"Yeah," Maggie nodded as she turned back to her waffles. "She wanted to know what we wanted to do for Brian's birthday."

"What'd you say?"

"He definitely would," Derek laughed.

"But she's still getting over that cold so..." Maggie shrugged.

"So she wants to take it easy."

"I think so. Do...do you think maybe we should do something here?"

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