Chapter 1

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Domino flew through the jungle in a panic. The blue macaw was chased here after accidentally falling off the trunk of his owner's car. He had asked some fellow city birds for some help, however, they were not the kindest of birds. They started to hunt him down, chasing him towards the Amazon Rainforest. Domino did not stop; he kept on flying, even when it was obvious the birds had stopped chasing him. 

He swiveled through the leaves and vines, panicking when the slightest touch of a vine caressed his body. Bugs flew around him, also scaring him as he frantically swatted them away with his wings. Domino collided head first to the trunk of a tree, grunting. "Oof!" He tumbled to the ground. On the way down, he smacked against branches, soon the sharp ends piercing his flesh. He collapsed with another "Oof!' and laid on the forest floor, groaning. 

"Well... That hurt!"

Domino got to his feet and shook himself, loose feathers and bright red spots flying everywhere. He looked behind to his sore body and examined the cuts he sustained. Luckily, they were small and not that bad, but they still bled. He preened his feathers to remove loose leaves that clung to him. He spat upon feeling their taste on his tongue; they were disgusting. 

He decided to stay on the low and run through the forest floor like a crazed chicken. It was a stupid idea, but he was still paranoid some birds from above were going to get him. He had no clue where he was going, however. He was no wild bird, not anymore; he was a pet.

I need to get back to my owner! I need to get back, I need to go back! Where's the city?? 

A blue feather drifted in the air, catching his attention. Domino froze in a halt and watched the feather fall to the ground. Curious, he walked towards the feather and picked it up with his talons. He brought it to his face. He gasped. He looked up and called out:

"Hello. I need help! Could you please help me??"

There was no response.

However, he saw another flash of blue pass by him, landing on the branch above him. It was another bird, a blue macaw just like him, pacing the branch with worry. Maybe that macaw could help me get back to the city!

Domino stared at the feather, sticks it into his body tightly for safekeeping, and spread his wings. He flew up to that branch to approach the bird. "Hello? Hello! Please help me; I accidentally got left behind by my owner, and I need to get back to the city--"

"Mango? Is that your voice?" The bird turned to face him. "You're alive!?"

Domino blinked at the sound of his old name. The bird looked to him with wide and curious light blue eyes, which made him gasp. He landed on the branch.

".... Opal!?"

The bird, Opal as he remembered her, hopped in excitement, hugging him. "MANGO, IT IS YOU!! I thought I would never see you again!"

Domino hugged his lost mate back. This was his mate before smugglers had separated the two. He had feared the worst for her. Long ago, when smugglers came to capture the wild birds, he had to run away with their only egg while she had fended off the smugglers best she could. He had found an empty tree to hide his egg before he had foolishly had flown back to fight the smugglers who took his mate. It had failed though, as he too got captured in the process, and the two never saw sight of each other since that day. 

"After all these years, I'm just so happy at the fact you're still alive, my beloved Mango!" Opal said, holding back tears. 

"As I. But I'm not called Mango anymore... My owner named me Domino."

Opal looked surprised, backing away. "Oh, you also have an owner!? Same here! My owner calls me 'Paradise.' Don't you think it sounds lovely compared to Opal?"

Domino blinked warmly. "It does... Paradise." Though Opal is also prettier to say too...

"So what are you doing here?" Paradise asked, tipping her head. 

"I could ask you the same thing," Domino said. "It's a long story..."

"We have all day. Tell me everything."

"Alright, this is what happened..."


Rio 3: Choices - A Fan Continuation StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora