Can i have your number?

Start from the beginning

Just as the timer rang for 12:00 I stood up at the same time the door opened and the five boys spilled out of the room.

The guy with the blond dyed hair and blue eyes whined saying, " I'm hungry I haven't eaten in so long can we go eat somewhere now please Liam?" He looked towards the guy with brown hair and brown eyes. He looked irritated and sighed " Yes Niall are you guys coming?" He looked towards the other three boys , they all nodded except one. Louis.

The only reason I'm seeing all of this is because I was waiting for them to get out so I could lock the door after them. I sighed and looked at them pleading with my eyes for them to get out I had only eaten a price of toast I was starving.

Louis looked at me and licked his lips and nodded at them and said," You guys go ahead I've got something I need to do " he seemed distracted looking at me his eyes filled with lust.

I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. Finally the boys got out of the lounge and I could lock the door now. As I finished locking the door I could feel one pair of eyes looking at me. I turned around and of course Louis was there I ignored him and walked to my car I put my purse and phone in the passenger seat and turned the car on.

As I drove out of the parking lot I looked back and noticed that no one was there anymore.


Louis' P.O.V

They were all waiting for someone to tell the boys to go in with Mr.Wolf when suddenly louis smelt the most delicious smell ever.

Strawberries and apples.

He looked around everywhere until he saw at the door a beautiful girl checking her shoes against the door.

He growled " Mate."

Harry, Liam, Niall, and Harry all looked at him and the girl back and forth with wide eyes.

Harry smiled a devious smile and said,"You got a good one mate if she wasn't yours I'd be on my butt trying to get her number,"

Louis growled at him possessively. " Don't you dare go near her or were no longer friends Harry." He growled out his eyes black.

Harry's smile fell as he said," I was just pulling your buttons Louis no need to get angry with me."

Just then the beautiful brunette walked in and looked at all the boys more specifically Louis.

As Louis got a good look at her face he realized how lucky he was. Median brown hair, beautiful big brown eyes, and a great body. Oh gosh a great body he thought lustfully. He couldn't wait to get his hands on his little mate.

The brunette walked away and went towards her desk. She say down and started typing and clicking away on the computer on the desk.

Harry got up from his seat and walked toward the girl in the desk. Louis heard him asking the girl some questions. Harry walked back with a clipboard in hand and handed it to everyone. " Sign your names so we can hurry up and leave. Louis obviously has some few trips around here for the next few days but us? I want to leave so hurry." He said.

Hmm I wonder what's up his butt Louis thought.

They all signed their names and this time Louis offered to take the clipboard back.

Lets just say he did not expect her rejecting him. Louis knew asking for her number or Mary as her name tag said was a but rash but by this time other werewolves would've been I'm the supply closet doing things that Louis would like to do to his mate.

Louis knew that sooner than later she's have to accept the fact that they're meant to be together but considering the fact that she didn't even know what he was he'd go easy on her.

He'd give her a week at most to get used to the fact that he was going to be around for a long time.

Hmm there goes me sleeping around next month he thought. Not that Louis cared he was bouncing with joy that he had found the person that would carry his pups and love him for the rest of his life.

As Mary his sweet mate called his name after the others Louis fought a shiver at the thought of her screaming his name in pleasure.

When he passed her to go in the office Louis looked intensely at her, but of course she didn't dare look up from the computer.

As all five boys shook hand with Mr.Wolf they got down to business.

Mr.Wolf was actually also a werewolf which explains his last name. He wasn't anything powerful in the werewolf world but in the human world he sure as hell was.

" So boys I see you like my little assistant there." Derrick Wold raised his eyebrows at Louis.

" Not that it's any of your business were here to help not for you to talk about Mary" Louis growled possessively.

" Fine I understand well you see boys......" Derrick started off. He explained the process of a new band that could possibly be the next one direction Derrick wanted the boys to convince the band to sign a contract with him.

" Why should we help you?" Liam asked.

" We'll the simple fact that I helped you guys become famous would be a big reason." Derrick said arrogantly.

As the boys agreed to help they all went over the details of what they would do.

Finally at the strike of the clock at 11:55 Derrick finally let the boys go since it was his lunch time.

The boys all walked out from the room. Then Niall and Liam started to argue about food all while his little princess stood there watching amused and annoyed.

When all the boys except Louis agreed to go out to get food they all spilled out of the building.

Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry all left with a good luck wish to Louis.

Louis knew better than to bother his baby while she was hungry so he just stood there and watched for her to make it safely out. When he saw that she was fine he finally turned away to leave and called the first person on his mind to tell the great news to...... His mom 


Comment and vote please!! Should I continue this or not??

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