Chapter 1

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Ryan Owen, stepped out the car with his friend Sanctura, they walked into the snow covered village.
         "So this Redfield guy called you to find a kidnapped baby?" he asked, she looked over at him with a smile.
          "His name is Chris, Ryan, and we are finding his friends kid." Ryan nodded, they carried on walking until they got to a fork in the road, Ryan went left and Sanctura went right, he froze as he heard the sound of a woman chanting, he peeked from the wall he was behind and saw a woman holding a knife above a baby, Ryan reacted on his own fatherly instinct, he sprinted and tackled the woman sending her into a wall, he quickly scooped the baby up and dashed away, the woman made no attempt to run after him, he nearly ran into Sanctura, her eyes widen at the sight of the baby, he handed the baby over to her, she gently tugs a tag off of the babys wrist "Rosemary Winters." she read out loud "Fuck, treating a child like an animal." she growled.
                "Take her to the station, I'll go and see if I can find the woman again." Sanctura nodded and handed him her gun and walked back to the car, Ryan heard the car driving off, he turned and walked deeper into the village, he cast glances around him, that's when he saw movement to his right, he aimed the pistol at whoever was in the darkness.
           "Don't shoot!" he heard the yell of a young man and lowered his gun, a blonde man stepped out, his left hand missing two fingers and covered in bandeges, the young man had obvious signs of stubble, Ryan placed the gun in his pocket.
             "Hello, I'm Ryan Owen and you are?" heasked and the man stepped forward and shook his hand.
              "Ethan, Ethan Winters."
              "Father of Rosemary Winters? ."
               "Yes! Is she alright?."
               "She's fine my friend has taken her to a police station nearby."
              "Take me to her."
               "Gladly." Ryan lead Ethan towards the exit of the village only to jump back when a wolf like humanoid jumped from a roof, the duo pulled out their guns, it snarled at them, Ryan reacted faster than Ethan and pulled the trigger, the bullet stricking the humanoids head but it did nothing "Well okay, wasn't expecting invincible werewolves." Ethan looked over at him with a don't ask expression, Ryan nodded and kicked out at a lunging werewolf, he shot another sneaking up on Ethan, that's when he was suddenly launched into the side of a building by a large hammer, Ryan groaned and fell onto the snow, his eyes widening as a large creature strutted after him, he shot up and dodged just in time, sine the hammer wielded by the creature slammed into the ground where he was previously, he could see Ethan struggling to fight against five of those creatures so he shot at the five creatures, they howled in pain and backed away from Ethan, he crept up next to Ethan and grabbed his arm, running towards a free space in between two of the creatures they ran and ran until they got to a castle, there was an abandoned wagon located near the entrance.
          They walked closer and a large man shoved the doors open he chortled at them and yelled " Ethan Winters! How nice it is to see you." he glanced over and seemed to almost have a heart attack " Ryan Owen what a surprise!" Ryan raised an eyebrow. Then a conversation broke out and Ethan bought some bullets, he gave some of the bullets to Ryan who thanked him, they walked into a basement and walked towards a door which is opened by a lever, a confident voice comes from their left. "Well.. Well I didn't think anyone else was left, you two must be tough." Ryan and Ethan turn to see a tall, man with a long gray beard and sunglasses, the man stares at Ethan intensely "Ethan Winters, Mother Miranda's gonna love you." Ethan goes to say something only to get impaled by a bar of metal " Ethan!." Ryan yells only to get knocked out by a stray piece of metal.
         He awoke to a yell of  "Enough." he sat up and looked over and saw Ethan who had makeshift handcuffs on, whilst Ryan's hands were free, he groaned and nearly screamed at the sight of a huge woman and a hunched back man, he gulps and looks around the room in fear, another woman who Ryan assumes is mother Miranda regards him with a passive look obviously not regarding him as a threat, she carries on speaking but Ryan's head hurts too much to comprehend what she's saying, he touches a hand to his head and sees blood, he curses under his breath. "Heisenberg, Winters is all yours." This caused Ryan to raise his head and the tall woman to stand up
            " Mother Miranda I must protest!" the woman yelled but stopped speaking when mother Miranda raised her hand and then  gestured to Ryan.
           " You get this young man Alcina." Ryan blinked just as Heisenberg stood up and approached Ethan, to Ryan's confusion he started to count down and Ethan approached a hole that was located behind them. Alcina made her way towards Ryan who was trying to make up his mind then  Ethan jumped down into the hole  so without hesitation he sprinted after him just narrowly avoiding being grabbed and jumped after Ethan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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