Chapter 1: Maddison

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Who gets pregnant then ends up working for the father of your child and he didn't even know that he had been supporting his son for three years?

Well, me, that would be me.

It's funny how life works, one moment you think you have everything under control and the next you lose your grip and you have to figure out what to do next.

That was my life, always figuring out what to do next. I wasn't always like this, my life was always simple until I became a single parent and to make things worse, my boss was the father of that said child that I loved and raised on my own.

Now how did I get myself in this predicament you may ask?

Easy, in my last year in high school we had a massive party celebrating the end of an era for us and we all got drunk and had fun just doing what high school students do best. Until I ended up tripping over a really handsome guy that took my breath away. Then from there we laughed and had the best night ever.

The next morning I escaped the hotel room and did my last walk of shame. What a way of ending high school life and stepping into the life of being a college student.

A few weeks later, I peed in a stick that turned my life upside down. Well, just the way things went in my life, but I loved my son, Seth, more than anything else. I had to do my first year of college online, but after Seth was born I went back to get my degree. Then I stepped out of college and into the job I had now at Beckett Enterprise and Holdings. BEH for short.

Let's just say, I went for an interview with HR and they ended up hiring me as the CEO's assistant. The next day I almost choked on the surrounding air when I found out that the guy I had the best night with was going to be my new boss. If I knew, I would have declined the job. That's why googling certain things was important.

Turns out being an adult is mostly googling stuff you had no clue about. I learned it the hard way.

But at least my new boss, Ashford Beckett, didn't recognise me at all. Like he didn't even blink when he met me in the office. He piled work on me like I was just his assistant and nothing more.

I have been working here for three years now and he still said nothing. We kept things strictly business; we knew nothing personal about each other. Well, I knew a lot about him and he didn't even know, or at least he remembered nothing. I knew I should have said something about Seth, but I didn't want to lose the job that would provide for my son. In a way, Ashford was paying for his son and he didn't even know it.

My life was laughable, I know. Everything about it was a damn joke!

Looking at Seth, I can see so much of Ashford in him. They had the same blond hair and brown eyes. Seth was like his 'mini-me' and there was no way I would ever let them meet each other, because both of them would catch on about their connection. I bet Seth resembles Ashford's baby photos. It was actually terrifying to think about it.

I was sitting in the office checking my emails and drinking my coffee when Ashford came walking in. He was tugging on his tie and looking like he was about to pass out from exhaustion.

"Morning, Mr Beckett." I gave him a smile and galloped to the coffee machine to make him a cup.

He grunted and sat down on the couch in my office. Well, more like falling onto the couch would be the correct term.

I made his coffee, strong and bitter. We both liked our coffees like that.

"Here you go," I said as I handed him his mug.

"Thank you, Miss Camden." He said as he took it and then moaned when he took a sip and shut his eyes, "just what I needed."

I went back towards my desk and continued with my emails. "Bruce Grady wants to know when you are available to meet, preferably over lunch or beers." I said as I peered over my screen, "his words." I added with a smile.

Ashford chuckled, "tell him tonight at Elroy's at six should be fine."

"Got it." I said as I emailed Bruce Grady.

"Before I forget, I need you here tomorrow for a few hours." Ashford said as he watched me over the rim of his mug.

I raised a brow, "what time?"

"Nine, I don't know how long we will be, but just keep your schedule open." He said after he took a sip from his mug then lowered it, "if that's okay with you?"

I chewed on my bottom lip, "sure. I just need a sitter."

He tilted his head to the side, "for your pets?"

I barked a short laugh. That would only be an Ashford thing to say. He didn't like children, hence the reason why I never told him about Seth. "No, uh... for my... um... Son." I said gingerly. He didn't know I had Seth, I tried to keep it away from him. He also never asked me to come in over a weekend. So all of this was weird.

"Oh, how old is he?"

"Four." I lied. Now wasn't the time for him to remember me at all.

"I didn't know that you had a son." He said as he looked curiously at me.

I shrugged and continued with the emails. This was getting a little weird for me now. But then Ashford got up and went to his office. I let go of a long sigh and then downed the rest of my coffee. Tomorrow I was going to spend time with Seth and I don't have a sitter. I just hoped that Mrs Porter would be available.

I left the office at four, but Ashford reminded me again about tomorrow. He even said if I couldn't get a sitter, my son was welcome to come with me. That would never happen like ever.

I went to pick Seth up at school, and then we went to grab some pizza for dinner.

Seth and I sat on the couch, he was watching movies while I was busy trying to get a sitter. But no one was available on such brief notice. Finally, I found a sitter, my sister. She said that she was working there on a shoot, so she could keep Seth busy until she was done. I was grateful for Clara; she was younger than me by two years. But sometimes you wouldn't say that. She made better decisions than I ever made.

"Okay, bedtime, little dude."

"But, mom." Seth whined.

I laughed softly, "no buts. It's time for bed, I have to go to work and you are hanging out with Clara tomorrow." I said as I got up and held my hand out for him. He took it and I tugged him off the couch. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I tell you what. When I'm done at work, we could grab some ice-cream at the beach?" I ruffled his hair.

He looked up at me and beamed, "promise?"

"Yeah, I promise!" I said with a wink. "But only if you get your but into bed."

Seth nodded and practically ran to his bedroom. I switched the lights off, made sure everything was locked up before I went to say goodnight to him. I found him sitting on his bed reading a comic book. He loved comics, and he had seen all the Marvel movies. His favorite one is End Game. His favorite Marvel character is currently between Venom and Deadpool. He doesn't like DC, he only likes their villains.

"This isn't part of the deal." I said as I leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed.

He smiled innocently at me, "I'm in bed, mom."

I rolled my eyes, "fine." I groaned, "it's the weekend. You can read as long as you stay in bed. But remember to switch your light off when you're done."

"I will." He nodded enthusiastically. I went over to him and gave him a kiss on the top of his head, "Love you."

"Love you too, little dude." I said and left his room.

I took a shower and before I went to my room; I peeked into his room and found him passed out with a comic on his chest and the light was still on. I rolled my eyes, tucked him in and switched the light off and went to bed.

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