"Aye did y'all order yet?" The one with the palm tree dreads asked sitting at the front of the table next to Skai. The other girls said no and I just shook my head. "Shoot then what y'all waiting for?" The dark skin sitting next to Mikey said picking up his menu and so did everyone else.

I picked up my menu but the pages wouldn't stop vibrating cuz my hands was shaking. I really tried to concentrate on the words but they was all just starting to blur together and I no longer knew what I was looking at.

I took a deep breath and I felt a tug on the other side of the menu. I looked over and Mikey's face was concentrated on looking at the same menu. I looked between menu and his face; thinking about how he's casually reading my menu. And how close his face is to mine.

I felt my face heat up and I let go of the menu and slide it to him. He finally looks at me with an eye brow up and tilts his head up . "You not hungry?" Fuck, why is his voice so deep! I felt my hands getting sweaty and I just shook my head scooting my chair closer to the wall.

I felt my chair getting pulled back from underneath and his arm was now on the back of my chair. This time I was closer to him than I was before. "So why ain't you follow me back?" He asks in a lower tone and I look ahead at Cece begging for help. He noticed...

She smacks her teeth and gets Mikey's attention across the table. "She does that a lot, forgets to follow or add people back. Hell, she even forgets to text me back sometimes. It's nothing personal." She comments to him and kicks me under the table again. If I get kicked one more time.

He ignores her and turns back to me again. "So what, you don't talk?" He asks as everyone carried on in their own conversations. Definitely no escape there. I look down at my hands looking for some words. But I couldn't think of nothing.

"And you can look at me, shit." He chuckles to himself allowing his pink lips to curve in that smirk that all these girls be tripping over. I found myself looking at his mouth and he started to lick them which snapped me out of it.

"Um I don't know you like that sir. How am I supposed to just talk to you casually?" I finally say nervously looking down at my shoes. I swing my feet underneath my seat. "But you look like you knew me up on that stage earlier." He comments, blocking my feet with his one leg.

I smile to myself nervously and looked up from my feet. "Uh yeah, that wasn't me up there." I say honestly, my voice going soft. He frowns challenging me. "Oh so that wasn't you?" I shook my head no, resting it on my hand.

"Oh so this wasn't you just a few minutes ago? Got me looking so crazy right now, ya kiss something something something right now." He starts singing in a high pitched voice tryna dance like me.

I scrunch my nose up at him letting a laugh belt out. "That wasn't you?" He says with a slight smile and I shake my head again controlling my laugh. "Mm mm."

"Damn..I got the wrong one then." He said looking off around the table, where his other friends was chopping it up with the girls. I sigh and try to explain myself. "It's not that it wasn't me physically it's just that, when I'm on stage, I guess you can say I'm not myself." I say and based on the look on his face I know that sounded creepy and weird. I mentally face palm myself.

He lifted up an eye brow, shifting uncomfortably. "Wait so you be possessed or some shit?" He asks and my eyes nearly pop out my sockets. I cover my mouth while laugh. "Nooo it's kind of hard to explain. Never mind." I say shaking my head playing with my straw wrapper.

He leaned in and his knees touched mine as he slid the wrapper out of my fingers and started playing with it himself. "I got time." He mumbles and I sit up moving my hair out of my face. "Um..it's like. When I'm not on stage, I feel almost foreign to everything I encounter but like, when I'm on stage, I feel totally different, out side of my body. Yet I feel the closest to myself in that moment." I explain staring off into space just thinking about that amazing experience I had doing the show.

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