Chapter 58 - Nomination

Start from the beginning

After all this real estate company had a very tempting structure. Normal people would not be able to see through it however if people in the know examined it, they would know that many of its practices were illegal. If the police investigated it, whether or not the people behind it would get prosecuted would have to be determined slowly, but the very first step would be freezing the accounts and assets of the company. This first step would be enough to knock Kang Jian over on the head. In addition, even after it was investigated for three to five years, it didn't mean the investors would be able to get their money back. Because if there were any other people who have been victimized by the company, then the company's assets would first have to be used to compensate these people.

{T/N: So legally speaking, after a company is declared fraudulent/proceeds of crime, it will be liquidated and people who have been victimized it will get paid. However the law generally takes into account how innocent you are. For example if the company owes money to construction companies, contractors etc. who are unaware of their fraudulent activities, then they would get paid before someone like Kang Jian who strictly speaking, should have known that there was something dodgy about he was getting himself into. Plus that's if the money hasn't already disappeared somewhere to the Cayman Islands lol.}

In other words, as soon as Qiu Qian made the phone call then Kang Jian's 50 million were as a good as thrown into the bottom of a lake.

As for Kang Jian, this was something he would only learn much later.


Just as Kang Jian was walking, step by step, into the valley of despair, "Ending" finished its run in the cinemas. The total box office earnings was a beautiful 6.3 billion. For a movie like "Ending" which didn't have any special effects, and was purely a plot-driven drama, to be able to surpass an entertaining movie like "Gold" really showed that it was one of the most popular movies in this last couple of years.

For this the Director Xu Wei was so happy she couldn't stop smiling. Originally when she decided to make this movie she had already prepared herself mentally to lose money, for this reason she had even invested a lot of her own money. She thought this way she could help shoulder some of the losses and prevent too many problems when she wanted to look for funding down the road. However now that she achieved this kind of result, it meant that she actually earnt a good amount. And not just that, the main investing owner was even more overjoyed and almost wanted to set Bai Lang up on a pedestal.

As for why he wanted to put Bai Lang up? Because at the end of filming reception, Xu Wei had shared her thoughts that in this movie, other than her own personal experiences, Bai Lang had also provided a lot of insight into the pain and suffering of someone who had a terminal illness. It was through the two of them sharing and inspiring each other that such heart-rendering and realistic scenes could appear in front of the camera.

Qiu Qian heard about this late. Only then he did he realize that while filming this movie, Bai Lang's unstable mood was because he was constantly immersing himself in the scenes and feelings of his death from three years earlier. He was extremely angry and almost, almost... actually not anything really, because he could not bear to hurt Bai Lang even a little bit. He could only grab the person, rub him and bite him, as though he wanted to eat this person into his belly.

So all Bai Lang needed to do was pretend to be even more obedient in front of Qiu Qian to pacify him.

About two months later, the "Golden Emperor" awards published their nominations for the best male actor. For the second time Bai Lang's name was among them. Invitations to various awards again came falling in like snow, however because of Qiu Qian's black face, Bai Lang pushed them all to Fang Hua to deal with. And since Fang Hua was Qiu Qian's underling, how else could she deal with it? She could only laugh mirthlessly as she pushed away all these invitations that if it was given to anyone else, would be golden opportunities.

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