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Ponyboy's POV: 

Steve and I stay long after everyone else leaves. It's pretty dark now, so we walk to my house. When we get there, the whole gang is there.

"Where were you?" Darry demands.

"Relax, he was with me." Steve says.

"Since when do you two hangout?" Two-Bit asks.

"Yeah, don't you guys have it out for each other or something?" Dallas adds.

"Wait," Sodapop says looking back and forth between me (his brother) and Steve (his best friend), "Finally!" 

Everyone looks at him, confused.

"What's going on?" Darry asks.

Steve put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and looks at me.

"We were on a date." I say.

"So you two don't hate each other anymore?" Darry says.

"Yeah. We're together." I say.

Steve wraps his arm around me awkwardly. I let him. 

"Well, at least you won't squabble anymore." Darry laughs.

Steve and I sit down on the couch, joining the rest of the game. Two-Bit turns the TV back on. I look at Steve and he smiles at me. I smile back. He wraps his arm around me and I lean against him, relaxing. I think I've wanted this all along.

Hate Is A Strong WordWhere stories live. Discover now