Another Learns

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     The next day, police were called in to Shujin Academy to investigate Kamoshida's untimely demise. Rumors were running rampant, but the consistency was that one of his victims hired a professional assassin to kill him. These rumors choked out the ones regarding Ren's true nature, which came as a welcome relief for him. He had enough to worry about without his mortality (or rather, lack thereof, in his case) being called into question. Well, except for one. During lunch, Ann had apparently decided to take it upon herself to learn the truth. "Hey, I know this sounds like I'm accusing you, but, you were the last person to be seen with Kamoshida, right? At least, that's everyone's saying." she asked the vampire, before his ghoul jumped to his defense. "You're right, it does sound you're accusin' him. Ren-ren wouldn't hurt anyone unless they deser-"

"I'm saying that if he was involved, he let him off too easy. There are some fates worse than death."


"He should've had to live with the guilt of what he did for the rest of his worthless life."

"First of all, you're giving him way too much credit by assuming he was even capable of feeling guilt. Second, not here," Ren finally answered, "On the roof, where no one will hear us unless we make a lot of noise."

"You really think it's still unlocked after-"

"The staff here have made it obvious they don't care about the students, only the school's reputation. They won't lock it until someone calls attention to it." The two blondes conceded and complied. Once again, the oldest of three had to prepare himself to avoid a potential Masquerade breach. Once Ren was proven correct, he handed Ann the bottle. "What's in it?" she asked, to which Ryuji answered with his cute, dopey little grin, "Somethin' kick*ss." She drank and immediately felt the effects. "This- this is- I feel better than I've felt in years. What is this stuff?" Ren then explained everything to her, and confirmed that yes, the rumors about him were true, yes, he killed the volleyball coach, but what he felt remorse for was how good it felt, not the act itself. "It gets harder to be a friendly neighborhood vampire the older and more badass ya get." Ryuji explained, "Harder to remember what it's like bein' human."

"Now then," Ann asked, "how do we celebrate being rid of that bastard? I'd say we hit a buffet or a crepe shop, but he can't handle food." Morgana piped up and corrected her, "Actually, he can keep meat and red drinks down. I'd say wine too, but technically, he isn't allowed to be drinking."

"What'd he say?"

"He said I can handle meat and red drinks. Wine too, but I'm not allowed to be drinking." Ren said,

"The hell not? You're 218!" Ryuji protested,

"Yes, but my ID says I'm only sixteen. What Morgana forgot to mention was that it's because of the humanity I've managed to hold on to so far."

"Then we can go to the Wilton Hotel! They're bound to have something he can eat!"

"Isn't that place, like, super fancy and expensive though?"

"Like you just said, he's 218 years old, he's gotta have tons of money and clothes."

"Age has nothing to do with wealth and possession, but yes, I do have some things." Ren said before adding in a half-joking, half-flirtatious way, "I'd pay just as much to see how nicely Ryuji cleans up."

"D-dude... for real?!?"

"For really real."

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