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"Do I A

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"Do I A. need help, B. just need to catch a dick, or C.."

Avril was in the middle of making a list when Harry barraged into his dorm that she had broken into prior. "Well hello there, Potty." She replied casually not looking up from the parchment.

Harry was a startled and a bit freighted that Avril had even got into the dorm let alone make her way into the Gryffindor common room. "What-how did you...what're are you doing here?"

"Well, I think the beds in my dorm have bed bugs or maybe I just have those hair ticks....sooooo if you get an itchy scalp and body then don't blame me, love." Avril smiled cheekily with a subtle wink and small shrug as she watched Harry's face contort into one of disgust. "Oh my Merlin." She stopped abruptly, looking up at him with eyes wide as saucers.

"What? What is it?" Harry panicked, trying to remember that Avril's odd behavior was completely normal so he shouldn't necessarily be scared. "Avril?"

"Pottyyyyyyy, we haven't been together in such a long long time." Avril dramatically drawled out as she made no effort to move as Harry walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I saw you during potions, an hour ago."

"No, Potty. I mean we haven't spent coupleee time together, I mean helloooo we are dating aren't we supposed to shave each other's buttholes and buy flowers?" Avril said sincerely as she looked at Harry with her doe eyes that made him fall in love with her in the first place. "But...no it's all about Dumbles this Dumbles that from you now. I don't blame you Harold, I completely understand why you've been spending all of your bleeding time with you. I've been in your position once or twice."

"I'm sorry...wait what?" Harry didn't get a response as Minnie strutted towards the two then jumping on Avril's lap, now claiming all of her attention.

"MINNIE! My love, my soul, my everything in this crusty world. The only other human that understands me." Avril pressed dramatic kisses to her fur.

"She's a kitten not a human." Harry muttered only to get a death glare from the girl. "Right, sorry."

"Ugh, I should break up with him shouldn't I, Minnie?"


"Ah, yes you're right. I guess that much is true, Minnie. You're such a smart kittyyy."

Harry sat there confused by the entire interaction, but he seems to be that way every time he speaks with Avril.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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