Chapter 2

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We cut to a scene in the Daily Bugle where Peter hands JJJ the photos of Spider-Man fighting the five villains we were shown before. He, like usual, says crap about Spidey. He gives Peter a check & tells him to give it to Betty Brant. He does & this time, she tells him that this covers the advance she gave him weeks ago. Peter is happy.

We now cut to a flashback, during 2000. We see a man named Adrian Toomes shaking hands with Norman Osborn in OsCorp. We cut to 2002. We see Toomes illegally selling stuff in the blackmarket. We cut to 2004. We see him illegally selling goods to Otto Octavius. He was giving the money he stole from the bank to Toomes. We see him getting arrested. Harry Osborn angrily looks at him. Toomes stares at him angrily too. We now cut to the present. We see Toomes getting released from jail.

We cut to him walking outside. He sees a newspaper saying "THE FEARSOME FOES DEFEATED" with a picture of the five villains shown earlier together. He throws the newspaper away.

We see Peter in his apartment. He gets a knock on the door. He opens it & sees that it's Ursula. She tells him that the rent is due for a long time & he could get evicted. Peter sighs. She leaves & he closes the door. He becomes upset.

We see Peter working with his former teacher Doctor Connors & his assistant Ted Sallis (Bruce Campbell). They're working on a cure to regrow lost limbs. They have used lizard DNA for it because of them being able to regenerate their limbs. They finally complete making it. They bring a lab rat who has lost one of its limbs. They inject it onto it. It faints because of extreme pain. They think that it died but then it wakes up, that too with a new limb! They become very happy. Connors says that it's complete, he is gonna use it on him, but Peter tells him that it can be dangerous. Ted agrees. Connors doesn't care & tells Peter & Ted that they can leave now. Peter tells him to be careful & not to use it right now. He leaves with Ted. Connors calls his wife Martha to tell her about this cure. She too tells him that it can be dangerous & he shouldn't be using it right now. Now Connors is totally confused now.

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