Among Us Logic: Jailbreak

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This is probaly one of the best episodes ever for me... i-it's just... the ending... just made of pure gold. I don't like MrCheese as the cop of The Airsip because he arrests people for the dumbest shit like, what was one of them again? Coloring? Idk.

When Captain was arrested I was os happy (I just don't like Captain that much anymore since AUL 15). And I knew MrCheese was gonna arrest Player too cause in my opinion he just likes to watch him suffer :(

Gnome is a QUEEN. She whipping dem insults at MrCheese like ye dis woman

Sooo the ending... the one made of pure gold? The best ending of 2021? Okay I'll say. Cause I 'd love to :)

So Gnome revealed herself as an Imposter. Idk how but somehow she ends up about to fall to certain death, and MrCheese saves her... only to get KICKED OFF THE EDGE!!! YEEEEE MRCHEESE DED YEEE!

Me: (Closes book) and that's the story of how Gnome became my second favorite character!

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