Prologue - Heroes Of The 6th World

Start from the beginning

She spoke in an innocent tone. The two boys looked at the girl with surprised looks, her idea made sense and there was no need for banter. She wore a white, black, and red uniform accompanied by a huge golden staff with a blue gem in the middle of it. She had reddish pink eyes and black hair.

???: I agree with Ruele, it's best if you two fight beside one another. I think the 3 of us can handle ourselves.

Another light voiced individual spoke, apparently agreeing with the one lady that went by Ruele. He was a boy with white hair and blue irises. He had a white uniform with a grey shirt underneath. He also had white slacks and black shoes with brown straps on them. He also had a sword sheathed to the left of him, his hand resting on it. Ready to unsheathe the blade in case a demon caught Vildred and Huey off guard while the conversation was going on.

Huey: Can't I just fight them alone? I'm like 117 years old, I'm not a kid anymore!

Moments like these were rather normal for them. Huey fighting alone was a haphazard. He always overworked himself and tended to blow things up. The worst he's done is make an explosion as big as an atomic bomb. With the army they are going against he's definitely got something worse up his sleeve.

???: You're the youngest amongst us, Huey. Might I add that you're quite reckless when it comes to battle? I could go on and on about why we no longer let you fight alone.

A deep but feminine voice spoke to Huey, who rolled his eyes and scowled at nothing. He felt arms wrap around his neck and pull him back. He slowly looked back to see a woman with fair skin and white hair put into a ponytail. She had yellow irises and a HUGE scythe on her back. She had a white top and a red plate underneath, revealing her stomach a bit.

???: Lets focus on the matter at hand, okay little one?

Huey: Whatever, Kisé.

Despite how judgmental Kisé, she saw the heirs as siblings or rather a family. Huey, being the youngest and shortest, was compared to small things like tree stumps or ants. Although he was the youngest, he understood the world more than anyone except Ras.

Huey: Can we go fight now? The world isn't gonna save itself you know.

Ras: Yes I agree. Let's move out. Vildred, Huey. Don't do anything to rash, especially Huey. Make sure you don't hit Vildred with any of your explosions.

Huey: Okay "Mom". Don't you guys go dying on me, alright? Who else am I supposed to beat in blackjack if you all die?

He chuckled to himself before walking towards the mob of monsters, gauntlets heating up in the process. Vildred followed in pursuit, simply waving to the others without turning around. The 3 heirs watched their friends approach the angry mob of demons, waiting for an opening to run through.


Ras sighed at the sight in front of him. Huey clearly didn't listen to a damn thing he said but at least it would help them get closer to succeeding in defeating the ArchDemon. He didn't use this time to dawdle and ran into the mob, along with Kise and Ruele. A couple of demons went to Attack him but he defended himself, killing them in the process.

Kisé: He clearly wasn't listening. *SLASH* But this benefits us *SLASH* I guess.

Ruele: He is still a child you know. Despite how tall he is, he has the mind of a little boy.

Ruele was running safely behind Ras, Kise in pursuit. They kept running and fighting through the crowd and Ras was hardly tired. Meanwhile Vildred and Huey were having the time of their lives. Huey rushed towards one huge spot of demons and blew them up instantly, smiling the entire time. Vildred was smirking as he cut down different types of demons. Dream leeches and some other types of demons fell to the ground, not long after turning to dust.

Whilst Vildred and Huey's battle, someone caught the swordsman off guard, slashing at him and cutting his eye. He staggered back holding his eye in pain. He looks up with his unwounded eye and sees a man with Dark armor with purple lines in the chest plate. He had burgundy colored hair and red eyes. He brought back his sword and swung it at Vildred once more, killing him. This didn't go unnoticed for Huey. He was stunned at first but quickly became enraged at the death of his friend. While he stood shocked at the death of his comrade he was then ambushed by a good amount of demons jumping on him. They started piling up before Huey set off an explosion much like the first. When the smoke cleared Huey was heavily wounded. His right eye was closed shut as it had a deep cut over it. He also had many scratches all over his body, however the adrenaline made it go unnoticed by him. He let out a war cry, before rushing towards the individual who killed Vildred. He put his hand forward, almost letting out a blast, however the individual cut his hand off. This didn't stop him from using his other hand, though it also got cut out.

He staggered back and grit his teeth rather hard. He opens his mouth, flames coming out of it. His eyes started turning orange, flames also coming out of them. He yelled as an explosion engulfed them both and any demon surrounding them.

The smoke cleared once again. Huey stood by himself, trying desperately not to fall over. Before he knows it, he's stabbed in the back by a sword. The same sword the person that killed Vildred used. The sword was pulled from Huey leaving his body surprisingly standing, dead. Black smoke started to emerge from Huey's wounds.

His body fell to the ground, smoke still emitting from his wounds. The individual stood upon his body, looking down at it in disappointment.

???: So much for being an heir. You were hardly a challenge.

He said as he walked off, continuing with whatever he was doing before he fought the now dead heir and his companion. On the other side of the battlefield, we view a fallen Ruele, it seems she was pierced by something and now has a whole in her chest. There was a huge figure that had the same wound as her not that far in front of her. Kise didn't take her death lightly, nor did Ras as he ran towards what seemed to be a huge demon. He would've swung his sword at the monster however his head was cut from his body, leaving them both to fall on the ground.


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