Fall from Grace: A Cheater Denki Kaminari x Self insert AU (aged up)

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The lights and lavishness of fame and fortune weigh heavily on my shoulders. And the last thing I needed to come home to on a Friday night is my boyfriend in bed with another girl.

"Oh, shit." My boyfriend said. "Y/n why are you home so early?"

Through stifled rage and utter disbelief I scoffed. "What do you mean why am I home early, Denki? I don't know. Try checking your phone."

He shuffled and got off the mysterious mistress. As he did I caught a glimpse of her face. My rage fumed higher when she exposed her cat-like grin.

"Oh, no. I totally forgot today was our anniversary." Denki said as he ran his hand through his hair.

I snapped. Calmly I slipped my heels off and put them to the side. Silently I removed my long coat and put it on the nearby chair. I dropped my bag to the floor and tied my hair back.

Fear was obvious in Denki's trembling voice. His heavy steps pounded against the floor and echoed in the room. "Y/n, don't do anything brash. This was just a one time thing I promise."

In shrill disbelief a voice spoke up. A voice that was much better silent. "A one time thing? Is that what you call your fiance?"

Her words rang in my ears.

"Fiance?" I mimicked. "Fiance!?"

As I whipped around to look at Denki, tears filled my eyes. My heart shattered. He's told me time and time again he wasn't ready. And here he is engaged to- to- to some home wrecker!

"Please. She means nothing to me. You're my world!" Denki begged on the hard floors.

"Well obviously she does! You're engaged to her!" I cried. "You told me you weren't ready for such a commitment. And yet you're willing to marry your guitarist?"

He begged helplessly on his knees. He gripped onto my hips pulling me close to him. His words fell off my skin. My ears, silent to his empty promises.

It hurt so much as I looked away. Tears ran hot against my cheeks. My voice, soft and raspy with choked sobs.

"Get out. Grab your clothes and leave."

His voice became silent. Shock echoed as he said, "You're throwing me out?"

"Yes. Grab your clothes and your mistress. And leave Denki."

He hesitantly let me go. Both of them got dressed and left. He left silently. She gave me rude remarks. But I could have cared less. In all honesty I could have called the police. However, I didn't have the energy.

Once they left for good I changed my security codes and ordered new locks. That night I slept like a babe. Warm from the wine and free of worry of a relationship.

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