Chapter 2 ~ Noticed

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She never killed nobody, she made them kill themselves. Tragic.

October 20th 12:09 pm

He ran down the stairs in anger, shut the door with such a strength, made the birds out in the yard fly away. It was freezing cold. He walked over to the couch to grab a blanket, he covered his shoulders and then went into the kitchen. Liv had left her bowl with cereal on the dining table. Not even touched. He called her name over and over, no answer. Turned around and gave a blank stare at the floor. “What a mess”. He couldn’t move, he felt a cold breathe to his neck. In a blink everything was as it was before. Not a single drop of milk on the floor.
The young man continued his day as normal. Late at night he went out to meet some of his friends. Came home late to find his sister in the backyard. With a rope around her neck, hanging from the tree. He grabbed her hand, it was cold. Everything was quite. No cars was out, no birds, nothing. He turned around to go inside the house, still holding her hand. He picked up the backpack that he dropped on the ground before. Almost letting go, heading toward the house. Liv’s hand tightened the grip and pulled him towards the hanging body. Warm hands combined with her sharp nails digging into his skin. He didn’t scream, he couldn't make a sound. He stood there, looking right into her eyes, with an emotionless face expression. They were red, blood dripping from her eyes, ears, even down her forehead. The body suddenly fell, lifeless. Everything went black, only the voice of a creature was heard. “mine,mine,mine”. He opened his eyes to find her hanging in the tree again. Something pushed him in the chest making him fall. He couldn’t move. Next minute he found himself in his bed. He looked at his bedside table. The time showed 8.00pm sharp. He walked over to the window. “Never”. Deeply into souls of the unknown, they noticed him. It couldn’t be unseen. It was too late. Nothing would remain the same again.

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