✍Jared's hearing

Start from the beginning

Back in the royal castle, Jared was locked away in the dungeon. The stench of dry blood and human waste was the only constant thing in there as the guards kept on changing to prevent each of them from falling asleep on duty which they thought might be a chance for him to escape...they were all afraid of him.
In the darkness he sat, thinking of a way out of this mess.

  He needed an insider's help, so he had contacted Kade his second in command a month ago, unbeknownst to him, Kade had already ratted him out and he was arrested, they both were.

"I'm sorry General, they had my wife and daughters, there was nothing I could do". Kade pleaded from the cell beside his.

" It's fine old friend, you did the right thing".

After some hours, a soldier walked into the dungeon.

"Prince Jared, it is time for your hearing!". The soldier said while opening the cell.

"What? What hearing?".

"Do not ask me any questions, and you Kade, you're coming too".

They both were led to the throne room. Their hands and feet were bound by chains that restricted their movements.

The throne room was filled up with accusers and agitators.
Many rained profane words while others were silent spectators.

" Order! ". Yelled Minister Franklin.

The King sat on his throne, his wife, son and daughter-in-law beside him. As well as all the other important people of the kingdom. And the rest were the commoners who came to get first-hand information about the event. Jared was made to stand before the royals.

"I never knew a day like this would come son", the King said. Looking into Jared's eyes.

"Your majesty, neither did I", Jared responded. Eyes scanning all the faces in the room, He was on a mission after all.

" Bring Kade to the witness stand". Ordered Minister Franklin.

Kade was dragged to the stand by a hefty soldier.

"Sir Kade, you were once the right-hand man and confidant of Jared here, true or false". Asked Minister Franklin.

" Yes".

"Did he ever tell you about his affair with the late Kira"?

" No".

"Tell us why your ex-general here was having a good time with a girl in Konland when he was supposed to have been on the battlefield with his men?"

"I have no answer to that allegation Sir".

" It is no allegation! It is the truth! And you know very well what I am talking about. You were the one who helped him fake his death, that means he trusts you with his life".

"Sir, I know nothing about any affair".

" Call Lila and Bianca to the witness stand". Ordered the minister.
Soon Kira's former friends were led to the stand.

"Do you know this man?". The minister questioned, pointing at Jared.

" Yes". They both answered in unison.

"Miss Bianca, Where did you meet him first?".

" In Konland"

"With whom?"

"With my friend, Kira may her soul rest in peace".

" I'm afraid her soul will not rest in peace because she has put this nation in a state of disarray. So do not repeat that here ".

Kira and Jared [Historical Romance]Where stories live. Discover now