Chapter 2

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The next day Reki saw his mom sleeping on the chair next to him. He yawned a bit and yesterday's events came rushing back to him and a wave of sadness washed over him as he stood up a bit wobbly since it was his first time taking more than a few steps after he fainted but he got the hang of it. He took his clothes and changes out of the uncomfortable and itchy hospital gown. When he came back into the room his mom was awake and putting away her thing into a bag.

"Hey mom... You ok?"

His mom was a bit startled but looked towards him and smiled.

"I'm doing just fine, sweetheart. How are you though? You should probably lay down a bit more. Its only 7!" Reki didn't realize it was that early and just shrugged a bit and insisted that he'd help his mom pack up the things she brought over.

"Did you tell the girls yet?" Reki asked without looking up.

"No... I thought you might want to be there for it.."

"Alright lets tell them when we get home."

Reki kept being his upbeat self despite what happened yesterday and piled everything that he could, or what his mom let him carry, into the car. It was a quiet drive home like in the hospital and they eventually rolled into the driveway. The sisters ran out, hearing their brother and mom come home.

"REKIIII! WHAT HAPPENED?! YOU FAINTED AND I DIDN'T KNOW WHYYY!" Koyomi shouted running towards and tackling her big brother

"Koyomi! Get off your brother please!" Their mom frantically yelped. She looked towards her mom confused.

"I do it all the time! You've seen me do it!" She pouted but got off anyways. She looked towards her brother who looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Reki..? Are you ok?"

"Im fine Koyomi. But we need to get inside... Me and mom need to tell you three something.." His sister was very confused by now but complied and with the twins holding her hand, they all went inside and sat down. Their mom (I'm just gonna call her Ms. Kyan from now on) sat them down and tried to start explaining but seemed at a loss for words. She finally decided to be straight forward and come out and say it.

"Well girls.. as you know me and your brother went to the hospital and they checked out a few things.. It turns out your brother has a type of sickness called leukemia. It means there is a type of sickness, or cancer is the kind of word for it, in his bones so it makes him really sick." Ms. Kyan said. "That mean your brother has a sickness that is curable but it might make it to where you can't see him as often because he'll be at the doctor's a lot.." By now she had tears in her eye and her children all had tears streaming down their faces. The twins were bawling and went to hug their brother while Koyomi was just sitting their and comprehending the news.

"So Reki might not get better..?" Koyomi choked out. Reki waved her over and silently held his siblings as they were crying.

"Yes Koyomi. I might not get better, but there is also a chance I will get better and be even stronger than before!" He tried to reassure them and they all eventually calmed down. They sat there hugging each other like it was the last time they would hold each other like this for the rest of their lives, which they thought might be true.

"I'll go make breakfast.." Ms. Kyan said and excused herself. It took the siblings a few minutes to let go.

"Are you going to live?" The twins asked, still very upset about their brother.

"I'll definitely try!"


It was almost dinner time and the siblings spent the day together having the time of their lives. Reki got permission to have dinner at Joe's diner, Sia La Luce, and so he grabbed his skateboard and rode it over to his dear friend's restaurant.

"Hey Joe! Where are the others?"

"Hey Reki! The others are gonna be here in just a few minutes! Shadows running late and Cherry needed to finish up some paperwork for his job!"

"Alright. I'll wait till they show up then!"


Word count: 739

Reki! Sickness au (Renga)Where stories live. Discover now