Hi, Irony 🌿 Bucky Barnes (request)

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Song: StudioKillers - Jenny.

Imagine; you and Bucky were in a good relationship until one of you fucked up, after that you have to go on missions.

This is bad and I'm sorry... but I hope it will suffice!


It was a shit show. You didn't even know what started the argument, but it got out of hand fast. Bucky suddenly threw out that he accidentally kissed someone else and that he didn't regret it. You ended up throwing the first punch. The things said best not be repeated, but it's safe to say that you two hate each other.

Now he has a black eye and you? A broken heart. You'd rather have the physical stuff though, that hurts a lot less than the pain in your heart.

Even more painful is the fact that this happened two months ago, and deep down you still love him. You still want to be with him and it sucks. Because he definitely makes sure you know he hates you.

'Good fucking job Y/n... you ruined the mission...' Bucky groans as he harshly slams his shoulder into you, making you stagger back.

'Oh I ruined it now? If you would've kept your big ass mouth shut we wouldn't have been caught! But no you just had to comment on my appearance... but blame it on me if you want, you always do that anyway...'

'Because you're always the one to blame...' he replies before giving you the finger. He clearly doesn't see the reaction to it is filled with pain.

'Really mature Buck...' Steve intervenes, he obviously saw the reaction.

Usually there would be a come back to it from you, a sassy and snarky reply. But not this time, you don't have the energy to do it anymore. So without saying anything further you walk away.

'You really don't see it do you?' Steve turns to Bucky.

'Not this again.. Steve I messed up, she hates me... you're wrong about this so drop it!' He snarls.

'You're hurting her... you're still hurting her, when will you finally drop the act and apologise to her huh? Because I just so happen to know that she still loves you... and that means something...'

'I fucked up too much of this, she doesn't want me back, she hates me so why should I even try?'

'Because she's worth it?'

'What, her name L'Oréal now or something?' He jokes, he playfully jabs Steve in the shoulder but he doesn't budge. Nor is there a smile on his face.

'She doesn't hate you... not really, but if you act like you hate her, then all she can do is defend herself against you... you can be harsh... let me ask you... do you really still love her?'

'Of course I fucking do...'

'Then step up your game and tell her the truth...'


'I hate you..'

That hurt you the most out of everything, because how can he suddenly hate you after literal years of completely devoted love?

Scratch that, how could he so openly yell in your face that he kissed someone else and doesn't regret any of it, and you still being able to love him.

You glance at the only picture you didn't want to throw away. Anger bubbles up suddenly, you grab it and throw it right against the wall. The glass breaks.

Bucky's knuckles tap against the door and your head whips around to face him. Your breathing still heavy, your brows still furrowed.

'You okay?'

'Fuck off Bucky...' You snarl at him. 'Just leave me alone because if you can't be nice to me then I don't want to be around you anymore..'

'I actually came to apologise...' he clears his throat.

You let out a pained chuckle as you start pacing around the room. You cannot believe this man.

'Steve made me realise-'

'Of course he fucking did... when do you ever realise this shit yourself? When you flat out told me everything is my fault... you didn't even see how much that hurt me... but of course Steve did...'

'I'm really sorry...'

'This must be a whole new feeling for you? Saying that you're sorry...' you snap back at him.

'And here I was thinking I was mean... but you can be just as rude...'

'Yeah and you wanna know why? Because I'm trying to hate you as much as you hate me! Because I don't want to continue loving you when all you can do is be a fucking prick towards me! FUCK!' You shake your head while your palms go up to rub your eyes.

'Doll I-'

'SHUT UP FOR ONCE! SHUT... UP!' You cut him off. 'You've been nothing but mean to me ever since our fight and even in that fight you said things that really hurt me! You basically admitted that you cheated... I don't deserve any of that shut and yeah I was mean in return but that's only so you don't break me down more than you already did! What's even worse is that you needed Steve to push you to apologise to me!'

'Y/n...' he steps towards you and for now you'll let him.

'You told me... you hate me... what did I ever do to you? Huh?' Your voice grows weak. 'Because please tell me...'

'Nothing... you didn't do anything.. okay you gave me a black eye but I deserve it... I was a dick... I don't even know what started that stupid fucking fight... I was angry and I said things that weren't even true... I never kissed another woman...'

'Then why did you say that?'

'I.. I wanted to hurt you... because your words hurt me too...so I made it up... I was an idiot.. still am...'

'Do you actually hate me?' You ask when he gets even closer. You're close enough to feel the heat radiating off of his body.

'No... of course not... I couldn't ever hate you even if I tried..' He whispers as he cups your face. You close your eyes again.

You want to hold back, and at the same time you don't. You want to continue where you left off but what will everyone think? That you went back to someone who hurt you this much.

'I'm really sorry Y/n... I really am.. and I promise you it won't happen again... fuck I'm so sorry... I don't know what came over me that day...'

'I guess it's my turn to apologise as well... for the fight... I said some nasty shit as well...'

'No.. I... I deserved that... I just... I thought you wouldn't take me back again and I.. I became angry with myself and I redirected it to you and it's not fair...'

Your hand roughly comes up to rest on the nape of his neck, you pull him down and smash your lips against his.

'Lets agree to not hurt each other again..'

'Yeah..' Bucky pants against your lips. 'Yeah...' he repeats before smashing his lips against yours again.

It's ironic really, the person you thought hated you, turns out to do the exact opposite.

Marvel imagines pt.4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang