2. Estedelle

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The journey is exhausting and takes three days of sleepless riding, no carriage being able to go through the dense forest that separates our two kingdoms. I travel lightly, bringing only one suitcase with clearly not enough clothes to last more than a week. My mother packed it, and I wasn't allowed to help or say anything about how much baggage I would be taking with me.

My maid and only friend, Maria, has been sent with me, and it was the only thing I didn't complain about to my mother. Her only presence reassures me and I know she won't let me make a fool of myself once we arrive at our enemies house. She is slightly older than me, and has always played a role of big sister with me. She is incredible at it, giving me advice and being there for me when I need her.

When we finally arrive, my legs and back are hurting and I have difficulty hopping off my horse. I check my horse, Goliath, for any injuries before giving the reins to a groom boy. I frown as I walk to the castle, feeling the pain in every bit of my body.

It is the first time I've ever seen Estedelle's palace, and it leaves me speechless for an instant. The fortress itself is pretty simple, and looks like many of the other castles I have visited with my mother. But it is nature swallowing the palace that really makes it unique. Vines are almost hiding the whole facade, and gigantic trees seem to be growing out of its sides.

My mother would never let our home get eaten up by the forest like that, but I find it refreshing. In the distance, I can see the whole kingdom in the forest, homes installed in trees, lights hooked to branches to brighten the darkness the trees and their thick foliage set in the forest, people walking alongside a long river and children laughing as they chase each other around trees.

The happiness that floats in the air makes it hard for me to believe that this is the bloodthirsty kingdom that has brought despair to my people for so long. But appearances can deceive, and I wipe the smile off my face, now ready to lead the most important battle of my life.

Guards come to us and take our horses, while others come to welcome us with suspicious frowns.

" Please name the reason of your visit to Estedelle." a tall gard says as he blocks me from walking towards the castle.

" I was sent by my mother, Sienna lll of Vierra, to speak with the royal family." I speak, raising my chin to look him right in the eyes.

He seems surprised, then narrows his eyes as if he suspects a lie. Nonetheless, he guides us inside. The halls are all decorated in a dark green, with armors and portraits on the walls. Everything is grandiose, but I can't help but notice that even though the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling are absolutely gorgeous, they set a white light and cold atmosphere that sent shivers down my spine. The palace seems empty and cold, and I finally recognize the kingdom that frostily assassinated hundreds of Vierra's citizens. We walked for a long time and went up too many stairs for my poor legs before finally entering the throne room.

Maria puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder as we go in and whispers in my ear encouraging words. I smile at her and build up the strength to look at the throne.

" Princess Katherine of Vierra, Your Majesty."

I coursty and stand, staring for the very first time at the royal family I was trained to hate my whole life.

The King is tall and slim, and if his long beard and hair are still as dark as a night without a moon, the wrinkles around his eyes show how old he truly is. However, his piercing blue eyes still seem ready to kill anybody who'd get in his way and I gulp loudly when he looks me up and down.

The Queen is on the contrary radiating with a bubbliness that seems out of place next to her husband. Her long chestnut hair is messily braided in a bun and some wild hairs frame her round face and her loving smile. She gives me the same energy as the citizens I saw outside of the castle and lights up the whole room with her warm brown eyes.

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