Chapter 17: Between Generations

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City of Seasons: Vision's Hideout.

*Moments later*

-Aya's POV-

You are sitting down in front of Xiaojun, crossing your legs while looking at him. Hendery stands by the door while watching what will be the beginning of the most questionable decision the vision's team has made. You hesitated to continue with this process; however, you believe that in the end, everything will stay the same. You will endure any pain or regret since you want to know the past you can't remember.

Here goes nothing, Aya. There's no need to fear.

You took a deep breath, smelling the incense around the room. -Are you ready? – You heard Xiaojun say, causing you to lift your face to look at him. Then, you nodded before Xiaojun took out his shard, briefly reaching your hand. It made you feel confused, so you stared at Xiaojun. -The process is painful before you enter your sealed memories. So, take my hand and try to endure the agony. – Xiaojun sternly spoke.

Shortly, you held Xiaojun's hand before he rose to draw the emblem in midair, keeping it close to your forehead. Instantly, a burning sensation hit your skin, causing you to frown and shut your eyes tightly. Then, your smell sense focused on the incense aroma, which helped to reduce the pain. However, you continued to hold Xiaojun's hand before losing consciousness.

Abruptly, you opened your eyes, watching various images passing by your side at a sharp speed. It was difficult to stare at them or even guess what the picture represented; however, those flashing images vanished into a dark space. It wasn't until the strong wind came your way, causing you to cover your face with your hands. But when it stopped, you looked around, noticing that the entire scenery changed. Now, you are inside your apartment, but it seems that the times are different. Suddenly, you heard a soft humming coming from your mother's room. So, you walked there without making too much noise.

-Aya, you are awake. – Your mother spoke, causing your eyes to grow slightly.

-Yes. I only had a slight headache, nothing too severe. – You heard yourself say, noticing that your younger version entered the room.

What is this?

-Dear, you've slept more these last days; I'm afraid that your powers are showing. – Your mother said before touching younger Aya's extended hand.

-And is that wrong? – Younger Aya questioned.

-Yes, many people want to hurt you; there's something unique about you that others desire. – Your mother declared before looking at your younger self. -Aya, others want to use your gift for destruction and wicked purposes. And as the last Fenix inheritor, you have to know that for now, the safest place is The City of Seasons. – Your mother explained, which younger Aya nodded for in response.

City of Seasons: Protected || Xiaojun (S1)Where stories live. Discover now