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Kring kring kring

" Mhmm " I yawn after I heard my alarm clock and turn it off

" What time is it? " I mumble and look at the time

It's already 7 in the morning. Probably my members are already downstairs

I got up from bed and went to my bathroom to take a bath

I'm now inside the bathroom taking a shower and when I'm done. I dressed myself and wear my fav hodie and pajamas.

I first went to my mirror and look at myself

"  handsome " I mumble and smirk while start to pose and take a picture of myself before going downstairs

I still haven't feed my cats, actually they're downstairs. They sleep in the living room.

I'm now heading downstairs and I saw my members in the living room. Jisoo unnie is playing with her dog  while chipmon- I mean Rose is watching movies and Jennie the one and only girl I love. I mean I know it's complicated because we're idols but I just can't stop loving her. And btw Jennie is cooking for our breakfast

I went towards jisoo unnie and rose. And jisoo unnie saw me so she called me

" Oh monkey, Good morning " jisoo unnie great me while caressing dalgom's head while rose stop watching movie and look at me

" Good morning chicken " I said smiling at her and went towards her but rose talk

" Yahh! How about me? Don't u also greet me Good morning monkey ? " Rose pout at me while I just laughed at her. And I dicide to tease these chipmunk

" Eww " I said disgust while I saw her glare at me

" Yahh!! " She went towards me and smak my head while I just laughed at her

" I was just joking baby chipmunk, haha. Okay Good morning " I said smiling at her while I saw her blush. So I just chuckle

" Yahh!! There's a kid here " Jisoo unnie said while covering dalgom's eyes and ears. Ok what's her problem

"Kid, who? " Rose said confused at jisoo unnie. Actually I'm confused too

" My son " jisoo unnie said while patting dalgom's head smiling while we facepalm

" Ohmyghad unnie, ur confusing us. Ok let's change the topic " rose said while we nod

" Btw monkey, how's sleep? " Jisoo unnie ask me while I smile

" It's good, how bout you unnie? " I ask back

" It's great, how bout you chipmunk? " Jisoo unnie said then ask rose

" It's delicious " rose said daydreaming made me and jisoo unnie look at each other and then look at her confused

"What? " Me and jisoo unnie said in unison

" I dream about thousands of foods infront of me, and that food was all for me. It was so delicious " me and jisoo unnie facepalm

" Ok thats not new Chipmunk. U always dream about that " I said while laughing but stop when Jennie unnie shout in the kitchen

"Guys! The breakfast is ready!!" Jennie   said in the kitchen and jisoo unnie answer her

" Ok jendeuk. We're coming! " Jisoo unnie said at Jennie unnie while look at me and rose

"Let's go unnie, I'm also very hungry right now " rose said pout while caressing her tummy

" That's not new Chipmunk " I said and chuckled

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