🐾two Rascals, one Roof🐾[ Gojo x Reader x Sukuna ] STORY II

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🐾two Rascals, one Roof🐾

[ Gojo x Reader x Sukuna ] [ Pet mini-series!] 

STORY II - Be careful what you wish for.

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You've been planning this special day for weeks and both of your pet is a witness.

Gojo, your pet-dog, were tailing behind you everywhere you went, he barked whenever you pulled out some colorful decoration and beg to play with it. Whereas Sukuna, your pet cat, stayed on the couch most of the time while rolling it's eyes at both you and Gojo.

At that time, you were more grateful for Sukuna rather than Gojo because Sukuna stayed still and caused no trouble, whereas Gojo's energy had made you yelled these sentences repeatedly,


"Stay still, Gojo." 

"I told you not to chew that, GoJOOOOOOOO" 


You knew Gojo meant no harm, he loves you and therefore always tries to be around you. Every time you yelled at him, he'd whimper sadly and you'd be washed with guilt and so you'd pat his head and apologize. He'd perked up immediately, his ears shot up and he'll go back to driving you crazy with his acts.

There's just no stopping him when he's high on energy, absolutely the opposite of Sukuna.

"Sukuna~" you called out when you've finally tamed Gojo with some food, making Gojo momentarily docile.

Sukuna only poked his head slightly at you but instead of moving towards his food, he went to his usual spot on the couch and you sighed but followed him.

"Sukuna, why won't you eat?" you said, ruffling his cat-fur.

He just looked at you, jumped out of the couch and came back a few minutes later with a pack of noodles you just bought from the supermarket.

He purred, left the noodle that was still neatly wrapped in it's packaging on your lap. He pointed his paws at you and then at the noodle. 

"What's with the noodle, kuna?" you laughed, "That's human food, not cats." you pat his head, treating him like he's empty-minded and he noticed. He angrily shoved your hands away from his head with his paw and went to the kitchen, he climbed his way to the counter and made a show of dominance, his gesture seemingly saying, 'Do as I say, human.'

You growled but made your way to the kitchen, you just can't have your way with Sukuna. It's his way or he'll not let you pet or touch him for weeks, he doesn't have a soft spot like Gojo.

"Fine, I'll make this noodle. But I'm not letting you eat them." you rolled your eyes and started cooking the noodles as Sukuna watches you.

"Allllllll done." you said as you strained the noodles from the boiling water and mixed it with the sauce, putting it on a plate and placing it in front of Sukuna. 

呪術廻戦  ∞ 𝕁𝕌𝕁𝕌𝕋𝕊𝕌 𝕂𝔸𝕀𝕊𝔼ℕ ━ ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now