Chapter 3 The sign ups

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It's recess and Beavis and butthead are walking in the corridor.

Butthead's confused.

"What the hell was that about?  I don't wanna join the military forces I could die.

I wanna live for a good age. Plus I wanna score and get it on with chicks , I don't want to die young or else I won't be able to get any and that would suck.

Beavis smiles.

Yeah I wanna join the navy yeah yeah I can kill people. That would be awesome.

He imitates someone who's dying.

"Argh no I'm dying I'll never see the world again!"

He fakes choking and then he falls to the ground playing dead.

Butthead laughs.

Uh huh huh huh huh huh. Get up fart-knocker.

Beavis replies. No I'm dead, dead.

Butthead replies. Dead people can't talk. Dumbass.

Beavis ask curiously. Huh! Oh yeah. he gets up and continues walking.

Beavis speaks. Well I'm going to go to Buzzcut, Butthead. He goes to buzzcuts office in the P.E. department.

The P.E department is full to the brim with students waiting to sign up for the military forces.

After waiting for about 5 minutes in the queue .

Beavis goes to Buzzcut then Beavis speaks to Buzzcut. 

Hi Buzzcut!  I wanna join the navy.

Buzzcut laughs hysterically.

Beavis? You wanna join the navy.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

You won't last 5 seconds.

You're too stupid to be in it.

The navy is for smart people not dumb, stupid, idiotic, morons like you. Ha ha ha ha

Beavis irritated.

I wanna join, I WANNA JOIN.

I wanna hurt people, and do stuff that you can't do on land.

Like fire torpedoes. Bang Bang. Mm hum hum hee!

Buzzcut laughs hysterically

Hah!  You really want to join.
You do know that you have to know how to pilot a ship right.

Beavis replies. Um... He picks his nose.
What a ship you have to pilot a real ship that's cool.
Buzzcut Shouts.
Yes you IDIOT!  The navy is a job that's based at sea. It's a very dangerous career path but you can get really rich from doing it.
Butthead comes over he smiles and his eyes widen. Whoa I could get rich. Rich people get chicks and stuff and then when I'm like rich I'll finally score yeah.
Beavis shouts. No way. Butt-munch. I'll get rich before you!  Get outta here NOW!
Butthead Punchs Beavis in the nose. Damn it Beavis I'm like trying to listen to what Buzzcut's saying. Get outta here. He slaps Beavis's face Beavis shouts in pain Argh. Uh huh huh huh like Sign me up for the army Buzzcut.
Buzzcut smiles and thinks to himself. Maybe this will get them both more respectful. But I still think they won't last long. He speaks. So are you both really sure about this. Because once you join there's no goin' back especially if war were declared. Beavis shouts! What! What's a war
Butthead laughs. Uh huh huh huh you dumbass. War is like when loads of people kill each other. For no reason what so ever.
Buzzcut shouts. Damn it boy. War is more than just killing people it's also about how we defend our country. I mean what if some terrorists attacked.
Butthead thinks out loud. Uh? That would be cool! We could like ask them if we could like see their bombs and guns and stuff.
Beavis shouts. Yeah, yeah that would rule and tell them if it's fun to kill a person yeah yeah? He shakes his arms up and down excited. Principal Mcvicker comes in to talk to Buzzcut. Uh. Mr Buzzcut I just heard from a Staff Meeting that you're signing up people for the military. Uh yeah. Buzzcut smiles That's right Principal! Just look at our new recruits. Beavis and Butthead spin on their chairs to face Mcvicker! Butthead's eyes widen. Whoa it's Mcdicker? Beavis's eyes also widen. Yeah, Yeah So it is. The principal looks down at the two boys. Oh no not you two! Beavis and Butthead smile and say in unison. we're going to join the... Beavis says Navy  but Butthead says Army. Principal Mcvicker smiles thinking. Yahoo! If those 2 go to the military forces. They'll have to leave Highland High. It will be like they were never here! Principal Mcvicker smiles saying. Okay Boy's you do know if you want to join the military forces. You have to leave High school right! Beavis says. Hum I don't know about that? If I leave school I won't be able to score with the chicks here. Butthead Laugh's. Uh huh huh huh huh. Beavis you Butt-Knocker. If we left school! We wouldn't  have put up with Mcvicker or any of the Staff here! Beavis angered. Don't call me a Butt-knocker! Damn you! Butthead smiles. Hey Beavis we could score with the chicks in the female dormitory's They'll have bigger thingies because they're like older! Beavis smiles. Hey yeah yeah! Besides School really sucks. Buzzcut shouts. So are you ready you two! Principle Mcvicker laughs. Enjoy yourselves Boy's
Beavis smiles. Yeah let's do this now and never regret it. He signs himself up to the navy. Butthead smiles. Yeah! SO LONG SUCKSLAND HIGH SCHOOL! He signs himself up to the Army!

A/N/ Beavis and Butthead have signed themselves up for the military. What will happen next find out in the next Chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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