I hadn't even been trying to be a delinquent, Frank had just consumed my thoughts, making it impossible for me to concentrate on anything else, and I had done what seemed logical at the time. It actually made when laugh when I thought about it, here everyone was worried that I was going to corrupt Frank, when he was actually becoming a bad influence on me, even if he was unaware of that fact.

The harsh ringing of the school bell broke me out of my thoughts, and I gathered my things with a dejected sigh, shooting a subtle glance in Frank direction, but he was bent over his backpack with his face turned away from me completely.

As much as I wanted to stay and try to talk to him, I kept to my promise of giving him some space. So I forced my feet to carry me out of the classroom and down the hallway, and as cheesy as it sounds, I felt as if I left a piece of myself back in that classroom, and I wouldn't be whole again until we had made up.

God - what was this kid doing to me? I mentally slapped myself, trying to regain at least some semblance of composure, because I never get sappy and emotional like this, especially not over people I had only kissed once, no matter how cute they were.

Suddenly I hit something that felt like a brick wall, and I found myself falling to the floor, sprawling inelegantly across the grimy tiles with an embarrassing thud.

"Watch where you're going slut," a familiar voice spat out, and that was when I realized that I had in fact run into Bob, who was basically the human equivalent of a brick wall, so my guess hadn't been far off.

I didn't dignify Bob with a response, he was all bark and no bite anyway. We had actually been best friends back in middle school, but that was before I had met Bert, and once he had come into my life, I had forgotten about Bob completely; constantly making up lame ass excuses as to why I couldn't hang out with him, just so I would have more time with Bert.

I had tried to rekindle our friendship once things with Bert and I ended, but Bob wanted nothing to do with me, and I didn't blame him because of how horribly I had treated him. I just hadn't realized how badly I had hurt him until it was too late, and my one-time best friend was turned into an enemy.

I wouldn't go so far as to call him a bully, I mean, he did shove me in the hallways - like right now, and he did hurl abusive words at me, and now that I really think about it, that kind of is the definition of a bully, but he never punched me; the worst I had ever received from our encounters was the occasional bruise from being pushed out of his way, and I knew I deserved it for abandoning him.

"Leave him alone!" someone called out, and since I was still kneeling on the floor, I couldn't see who had spoken, but I would know that voice anywhere, even though he was the last person I would except to step up and defend me.

"And who are you? Another boyfriend? Don't bother defending him shorty. He will dump you soon enough anyway," Bob cackled loudly, as if he had just told a clever joke.

"I'm his friend, and even if I wasn't, I would still stand up for him." I regained my feet painfully as a stupid smile stretched across my face. Frank had called me his friend, and I would gladly get pushed around by Bob every day to hear him say that.

"Just stay out of this," Bob frowned, clearly unused to being foiled in his pathetic attempts at hurting my feelings.

"I don't think I will. I hate assholes like you, so unless you really want to piss me off, I suggest you leave - now." Despite his size, Frank managed to appear menacing, and I would bet a weeks worth of pay that he would win in a fight against Bob right now.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," Bob scoffed before storming away.

Frank scowled at Bob's retreating figure until he turned the corner, and the small crowd that had gathered around us quickly dispersed once they realized they weren't going to witness a fight today, leaving Frank and I mostly alone.

"Hey - are you okay?" Frank asked softly, turning to face me with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, it's no big deal, Bob is really a big softie underneath all that," I shrugged, trying to ignore the twinge of pain that traveled up the arm I had landed on when I fell.

"He's an asshole if you ask me," Frank muttered under his breath, and I chuckled softly in response, trying to ignore how cute he looked when he was pissed off.

"You didn't have to do that for me," I whispered softly, unsure of what to say now that Frank was actually talking to me.

"Of course I did, no one messes with my friend and gets away with it," Frank smiled up and me, and I had to duck my head to hide my rising blush.

"I wasn't sure if I was still your friend after...well you know?" The bell which informed us that we should be in class already chimed out, but we both ignored it.

"Of course you are, I'm sorry I gave you the silent treatment...I just - I don't know. You caught me off guard," Frank trailed off awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Frank, not for kissing you, but for making you uncomfortable." Because I really was, I hated the fact that Frank had been upset because of me, and I never wanted it to happen again.

"Can we just start over and pretend it never happened?" Frank asked nervously, twisting his hands behind his back as he spoke.

"If it means you are talking to me again, then hell yes." My face broke out into a grin, and I resisted the urge to pull Frank in for a hug.

"So we are still doing a movie night this weekend yeah?" Frank questioned me as we began to walk toward our next class, uncaring of how late we both were.

"Yeah sure, I would love that."

"I don't think I have any plans Saturday, so I'll see you then okay?" Frank stopped at the intersection to the hallway that would lead to his next class, and I didn't want him to leave; I would gladly have skipped all of my classes for the second day in a row if it meant that we got to continue this conversation.

"Perfect...and - uh Frank...thank you for sticking up for me. No one has ever done that before...and it really means a lot to me," I stumbled over my words in my haste to spit them out. I didn't really know how to express what I was trying to say correctly, because he easily could have kept walking, but he didn't, he cared enough to put himself in harm's way for me, even though Bob wouldn't have really hit him, Frank didn't know that, and his willingness to protect me meant so much more than words could ever express.

"You're welcome Gerard, no one should have to put up with shit like that."

Before I could rethink my actions, I leaned down and pulled Frank into my arms; he seemed to fit perfectly against me, and even though I wanted to hold him forever, I released him quickly before he could get too uncomfortable, but just as I was pulling away, he returned my gesture, holding on to me tightly in a way that made me feel safe.

"As much as I don't want to, I think we should probably get to class." Frank's breath tickled my ear as he spoke, and I had to suppress a shudder.

"Yeah I guess," I grumbled as I released him reluctantly.

"See you at lunch," Frank waved at me before ducking into his classroom.

I stood in the hallway for a few more seconds, trying to slow down my rapidly beating heart, because it was pumping so fast I swore that it was audible to the people sitting inside the adjacent classroom.

My inner school girl was squealing at what had just occurred, and I couldn't remember a time when I had felt this happy. Frank had the ability to turn my shitty day into a wonderful one, all within the span of five minutes, and that was something that I didn't think was possible.

As I walked to my classroom, I felt like I was floating, and not even the pop quiz we were giving in statics could ruin my buyout mood.

Hey guys ^_^

I am not 100% sure if I like this chapter or not, but Frankie and Gee are friends again, so that's a good thing.

I just wanted to say I love reading all of your comments, and the fact that so many of you are enjoying this story makes me so happy.

((((good vibes))))

<3 starr

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