Me*thought*: Quintuplets?

Pink Hair Girl: Yeah, are you aiming at Itsuki?

Me:*smile* I don't think I'm worth enough for her. Or not worth enough for you and your other sisters.

Suddenly she grab my arm and drag me to the table.

Me:*blush* H-Hey!

Pink Hair Girl: Don't be so shy. You'll be safe when sister Ichika is with you.

Me*thought*: Sister Ichika? I guess Ichika is her name. But sister? She is obviously in the same grade as me.

We reach the table and Ichika force me to sit beside Miku.

Ichika: There you go.

She said as she take her seat.

Butterfly Ribbon Girl: So you're the guy that aiming at Itsuki?

She ask with scary face.

Itsuki: Nino! I already said that (Y/N)-baka and me are just friend!

Me*thought*: Why they call me baka?

I look in front only to meet with the green ribbon girl's face. She's smiling at me.

Green Ribbon Girl: So is it true that you and Itsuki are dating?

Me: Huh? Where you heard that?

Green Ribbon Girl: Itsuki told us.

Itsuki:*blushing* No, I'm not, Yotsuba!

The girl that I assume is Yotsuba take her seat while giggling.

Yotsuba: Just teasing you guys.

Ichika just giggle watching us.

Miku: (Y/N)-baka, thank you for lending me your notebook yesterday.

Me:*smile at her* No problem. We are classmate after all.

Ichika: Hah! Talking about yesterday...

She then smile widely at me.

Ichika: I heard you draw portraits of Itsuki and Miku yesterday.

Miku: You not heard it. You just take my portrait while I'm holding it.

Ichika:*giggle* Sorry about that.

Me: It's true that I draw those portraits. Why you ask?

Ichika: How about you draw five of us? I'm interested on how good you are.

Me: Well, if you ask for it...

I take out a black tablet from inside of my bag.

I take out a black tablet from inside of my bag

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