Chapter Two: A Phantom?

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Notes: Yo, we got another chapter here bro. Again, please read the description for sensitive topics! Also, I made Izuku have fake glasses, you know the ones that are big and round, but not round at all? Those ones, or you can leave it up to your imagination. Izuku is fourteen here, but telling everyone he is sixteen. Why? Because he feels like it. Also, if you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions, please let me know. P.S. Attempted rape in here, but only mentioned by a victim. 

I wanted to go over Izuku's vigilante outfit so here: (Or don't read if you want to imagine it your own way, but I do recommend. I think it's pretty cool.)

Costume: Black cropped hoodie, with a large hood and two emerald streaks on the sides. A tight black body suit underneath, (only the chest is bullet proof for better movement) black, made with a synthetic fiber, stretchy yet firm, two emerald streaks on the thighs and torso. Shin-high thin/flat black boots with slipper like souls. He wears black basketball shorts over the body suit as well. Mask covering his mouth with a voice changer (It looks like one of those masks that street artists wear.) And oil paint around his eyes. 

Weapons: Small knives tucked away everywhere, along with daggers, and origami throwing stars that are made out of a very hard and sturdy paper that cuts like knives. Some of these weapons are laced with sedative poisons (and others). A three-section bow staff strapped to his back (Search it up if you don't know). Small weapons hidden everywhere. A small gun with a grappling hook on the end that allows him to shoot up buildings like Carmen Sandiego. A small utility belt holds some of the weapons and first aid, along with other crap.  

Symbol/sign: A a small green origami boat with a note written on the inside that is placed by or on incapacitated criminal's clothing. And another left with the person he saved (if there was one.)    

 OkAY, Here we go!

Izuku POV:

The early morning humble jumble of the side walk was making it difficult for Izuku to navigate his way through the sea of business workers, occasionally bumping into a small child tagging along for 'bring your kid to work day.' He was late to him own work, very late indeed seeing he had accidentally fallen asleep right on his kitchen floor. Luckily, he didn't live that far away from where he worked. Pushing his glasses up higher on his nose, he scrambled a short cut, ending up bursting through the back door the Dreaming Cat Cafe, scaring the shit out of the owner. 

"Gah! Holy mother!" Nina yelled, hands jerking up, getting flour all over the floor.

"No, sorry, just me," Izuku said, giving his small smile as he entered, hanging his coat by the door. 

"Don't scare me like that, Hajime!" The lady yelled, planting her hands on her hips and trying to look stern. It wasn't working.  

"I'm sorry I'm late, Nina." She only huffed in response, not managing to hide her tiny chuckle. "Need any help?" He asked as he put on his apron. 

"Not in here," She said, sighing as she flicked one of her dark braids over her shoulder, "I finished all the prep work, can you just take out those, put them in the cases, then man the counter?" 

"Of course," Izuku nodded as he wheeled the goods out to the front. The cat Cafe was empty expect for the one of back rooms, which was filled with cats. A few had moseyed out here though, lounging by the fire place and curled up on chairs. Izuku opened the last un-filled glass case, carefully putting the still-warm sweets onto the shelves. Giving a large yawn, he almost nodded off into a basket of bagels.

"Coffee," he muttered, "I seriously need coffee." Placing the last bagel, he scurried to the main counter, making a pot of black coffee as fast as humanly possible. 

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