' ' one ' '

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The sky was a soft orange and blue, speckled with pink and light yellow colors as the sun began to rise. The shadows were long , the forest still bathed in darkness despite the sky lightening overhead . It would be a long while before it was truly "daytime."

A deer peeked it's head above the foliage in the forest, it's big black eyes glistening as it stared ahead before ducking back into the shadows and prancing away quietly. The soft sounds of nature could be heard all around, with birds chirping high in the trees and leave crunching under small animal's feet.  Squirrels and chipmunks scurried about, picking up little acorns and other various nuts from where they had buried them during the previous fall.

It was a warm spring day, sometime around April or May, and it was quite nice outside.  The air was warm and not too heavy, seeming comforting like a blanket around the entire land.  A bird screeched loudly and a flock of the blackish-blue birds took off from the trees, spiraling into the sky with their wings spread wide as they glided away and the other birds chirped quietly to each other from the shadows of the leaves and trees. 

A voice cut through the peaceful noises of nature, yelling and loud.  

"ONE!  TWO!  THREE!"  The person screamed at the top of their lungs.  They stood in front of a small cabin in a clearing.  They were barefoot on the stone covered path that led to the front door of the house.  It was quite a nice house, made of wood and logs and a stone base that gave off an old-timey vibe.  The windows were open wide, made without glass and little flowerpots sat outside the windows with some forest plants and multicolored flowers.  Outside one window there were red and white flowers, and the next had yellow and blue.  On the patterns went, giving the house a sort of mismatched and homey vibe.

"READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" The yelling person screamed at the top of their lungs, opening his light blue eyes.  His brown hair bounced as he whirled around and ran down the path around to the side of the house.  His blue eyes glistened and he grinned as he quietly poked his head around the corner to see if anyone was there.  

He didn't see anyone, and huffed in annoyance.  The brown haired boy crossed his arms and walked down the side of the house towards the back, poking his head out once more.  At this point he saw a flash of red and white but it quickly disappeared and he gasped loudly.

"TOMMY!" He screamed, a grin spreading across his face again.  He took off running as fast as he could, but instead of following the flash he turned back the way he came.  The little boy was smart- he knew that he could catch Tommy if he just ran around the other way and intercepted him before the other boy realized what was happening.

He arrived back at the front of the house quickly, and crouched down in the tall grass and ferns, pressing close to the house to keep himself out of sight to anyone walking by the front of the cabin.  The brown haired boy listened silently as footsteps approached, and when a figure turned the corner the small boy lunged at the boy in the red and white shirt.

Tommy screamed before the smaller boy tackled him, knocking him to the grassy ground.  "What the fuck Tubbo!" He yelled, struggling to heave the other boy off of him.

The brown haired boy, Tubbo rolled off of Tommy and sat with a grin in the grass beside him.  His face was freckled slightly and he had a bandage over his nose.  Tommy had the same blue eyes as him- although Tubbo's were darker and had a bit more brown in them.

Tommy ruffled his blond hair and huffed in annoyance.  "Well congrats, you win," he said as he rolled his eyes.  He sat up as well and leaned back on his hands, looking at Tubbo with a frown.  The smaller brown haired boy just smiled at him and then burst out laughing.  "What?!" Tommy exclaimed after a moment, which just caused Tubbo to continue laughing on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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