It's Not Right For You - Part 1

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Stiles was drowning. Well not really drowning but he wasn't happy with anything in his life right now. He wasn't happy with his office job, he wasn't happy in the large city, and he certainly wasn't happy in his relationship. He knew he should be grateful for everything he had but that only made him feel worse. He was lucky to have a stable job, a roof above his head, and someone to share a bed with at night but he couldn't bring himself to be happy. He was twenty one and hadn't done anything he felt he could take pride in. Miles away from his small home only left him with a serious case of homesickness each night and even though he had moved to the big city with Malia, his high school girlfriend, he still missed the intimacy of Beacon Hills. He couldn't go back now though, his father would be so disappointed with him. Whenever he visited home all his father talked about was how proud he was of Stiles and how he was so happy he had finally gotten out of Beacon Hills just like he had always dreamed of. There might have been a time when all Stiles dreamed about was the big loud city and the shiny buildings but now that he was here he realized just how lonely and isolated all that made him feel. 

It was another gloomy night in New York when Stiles stepped onto the 6 train that took him back to his small apartment. He would then pick up Thai food, because it was Thai food night, and eat dinner with Malia while watching whatever reality t.v. show she was addicted to that month. Last month it had been Dance Moms and he was more than glad that it was over. He could appreciate the amount of work the young girls put into each routine but he just didn't understand the appeal of watching the older women be verbally abusive. 

The small bell dinged as Stiles entered the small Thai takeout restaurant. He was instantly greeted by James, the head cook, who was taking his break upfront reading the newspaper and making small conversation to the cashier on duty. 

“Stiles!” James waves to him with a large smile on his face. “The usual.” It's almost embarrassing how often he and Malia eat out and he's constantly reminded of this every time he enters a restaurant they frequent often.

“Yeah.” Stiles replies returning the smile. If there was one thing he knew for certain it was to always treat the people who handled your food politely and with respect. If you didn't it is almost too easy for them to spit in your food and get away with it.

“Hey Jules.” James said addressing the cashier. “Ring him up for one mixed veg, one pad thai, and one shrimp rice. Oh and add on one order of clear noodles on the house.” James finished and then practically skipped back to the kitchen.

“Will there be anything else?” Jules said fixing her bored gaze on Stiles. 

“No that's all.” Stiles replied while digging out his card to pay. He knew he could call before hand and have all the food ready by the time he reached the shop but he enjoyed sitting down on one of the small chairs in the waiting area and listening to whatever top 40 radio station they had playing that day. 

Stiles pulled out his phone and noted that he had one missed call from his father, probably just to check up on him, and one text from Malia asking him how long until he got home. He quickly responded to the text and decided it was a little too late at night to call his father. Besides he was probably out drinking which Stiles did not approve of at all. He could handle his father’s cheat days but he often worried about his alcohol consumption. 

Fifteen minutes later Stiles was making his way back to his apartment with the paper Thai takeout bag clutched tightly in his hands. The wind was picking up which meant rain and he didn't want to be caught in the storm. He practically ran the last few blocks before letting himself into the apartment building and walking up the five steps of stairs. For some reason the elevator was still out of order and Stiles cursed the kids who had decided that pressing every button repeatedly over and over again had been a good idea. Stiles finally reached his apartment door and let himself in. He scanned the room noticing the light pooling out from the bedroom where Malia was no doubt reading some odd article on the environment or wild animals. 

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