
"girlfriend delivery." she sang to you when you got to the gym. "where's the boyfriend for pickup? maybe i can get his autograph and sell it. his fangirls would buy it."

"they definitely would. you could get rich off that." you agreed and wondered if you could get atsumu to sign many sheets of paper without it being suspicious.

atsumu went setting the ball to aran when you looked inside. osamu was sitting with his back against the stage and looked over at you when you two walked in.

you waved at him and he gave you a wave back. atsumu glanced up at the door before returning to his sets then looking right back at you.

ayame helped you get over to osamu and you sat down next to him. "hey." you greeted and stretched your legs out in front of you.

"how's the ankle?"

"perfectly fine." you said and crossed your injured foot over your non-injured foot.

"don't you have crutches?" he asked when you two said bye to ayame.

"im not using them."

"and why not?"

"i don't want to."

"i wanna see you fall."

"just like your brother."

"speaking about my brother." osamu drawled. "he looked like he just got accepted into the ten best looking people's club when he got home yesterday."

"good for him." you nodded and looked over at atsumu.

"did you two fuc-" you slapped your hand over his mouth before he could finish his sentence. "right, that's your rule three."

"how do you know all the rules?" you asked.

"he told me."

"i thought you t-"

"practice is over!" kita announced and everyone started to clean up. you leaned over and grabbed a volleyball that was a few feet away from you.

you threw it over to akagi and tried to stand up. osamu watched you struggle with an amusing smile. "aw poor girl." suna teased, walking over.

"shut up." you snapped and stood up with help from the stage.

"this is what you get for not using crutches." atsumu said, joining in the teasing.

"i can walk just fine by myself."

"oh damn, so no piggyback ride today?" he asked. "i was actually gonna offer."

"i never said that." you said and looked down at your cast. "ow, it hurts now. carry me, pretty boy." you slowly started lowering yourself closer to the floor until atsumu's arm were pulling you back up.

"can't be falling for me now can we?" he asked.

"ew." suna muttered and osamu nodded in agreement.

"affection." osamu faked throwing up.

"we're leaving now." atsumu pushed you, telling you to limp ahead of him.

"byeee." you said and waited for atsumu by the door. atsumu came out of the gym and crouched down so you could get on.

"i get my payment later?"

"for the drugs?" you asked.


"of course."



"what the fuck was that conversation?" he asked.

"drugs talk." you answered. "i love it when you match my energy."

"i have a better topic to talk about." he said, going back to the conversation from this morning. "rule one."

"rule one.."

he turned into an empty alleyway and got you off his back. "look i don't care if you say that hangman shit was a joke, but you can't deny that you didn't like the kiss. i know you liked it, i just know you did."

"you think the hangman was a joke? how st-"

"ill kiss you again if you don't admit it right now."

"oh really?" you raised your eyebrows. "so if i don't admit it.."

atsumu tilted your head up and leaned down so that your lips were an inch away. "fine, if you don't admit it then i won't kiss you."

"well fuck."

"yeah, well fuck it is."

"so do you want me to confess a love confession to you?" you said and cleared your throat. "oh atsumu, my beloved pre-"

"just say that the first rule is broken and be done with it." he said and poked the middle of your forehead.

"oh my beloved pretty boy that i actually might've caught feelings for." you threw in an accent to get in character. "rule number one is broken yeah." you said the last sentence very monotonously and looked down.

"good." he lifted your head back up to kiss you, but you pushed him back.

"do i not get a rule one is broken confession?"

atsumu rolled his eyes, but took one of your hands in his. "oh sunshine, my dearly beloved, rule number one is broken for me too." he pressed his lips against the back of your hand.

"woohoo. look at us being all coupley and cute and shit." you cheered.

"y/n." you looked up at him when he actually used your name. "there's a huge ass animal thing coming right at us."


"look." you snapped your head to the right and saw that he was right. "run."

"i can't!"

"too bad!"

"I'm telling on you because your mom likes me better!"

"probably! have fun with the thing!"

"animals have feelings too you- it's right next to me! get it the fuck away!"

~ ~ ~
this is somewhat what the paper looks like for anyone who was wondering

~ ~ ~ this is somewhat what the paper looks like for anyone who was wondering

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kill my mind - m. atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now