Chapter 1

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~Chapter 1~
"Aishhh finally its almost Saturday no more work for meee" you sang as you left the building of your workplace. "Ugh but that means i have to clean" you sighed, "eh i'll do that another day, tonight i shall binge watch some of my favourite kdramas".

You got in your car and got ready drive home, while you were on the way home you got a call from your boss saying that you didn't need to come monday, so you had an extra chill day

...but why?
You ignored your thoughts and went home, you got in shower, ate and all that good stuff.
Now you could binge watch your favourite kdramas.
Tea was spilt, apparently she has to pretend she likes the male protagonist when she actually has a crush on the supporting character "wtff, why can't she just get with him? Its a love triangle for gods sake" you whined.

you were enjoying yourself,crying,cringing and all that until you got a notification saying skz posted a new video, it was seungmins 3108 cover, so beautiful

And just like that it was monday afternoon
"ughhh i dont wanna goooo"you yelled.
"i'll just practise some makeup for absolutely no reason for now:)"

you scrolled and scrolled until you came across something you really wanted to try:

(if you dont like it you can do sum else i guess)

You started off trying to easiest looking part; the lips. "aight i got this down uhhh red eyeshadow? and i guess black lip liner"
you tried to find the lip liner but you couldn't find shii"i meann black eye shadow should work"
You finished the blending part of the lips and it didn't look too bad:

"Alrightttt gorl i see you" you made kissy lips(cuz you a baddie)"alright lip gloss"
you carefully put in some gloss, then a little more"alright just a little bit more" you didnt add just a little bit more(you added alot more) but thats fine cuz you looked good.
"a bitch neva had to use lip gloss on it"(rihannas song if ya know what i mean)

you finished the lips and moved to the liner and seconds later you were a racoon so you tooo it off and went to sleep cuz this was some real bs

Next day~

You woke up to a hella annoying alarm
and got ready to go to work and stuff.
You didn't see many employees there so you went to your bosses office.

"uh where is ever-"

He literally jumped and hid something behind his back.
"Oh y/n its you, look i really need your help with something"

"um..okay then, what do i do" you asked.

"just hold this right here really quick" he answered.

"oh okay"you said grabbing the "thing" he said to hold"um what is this anyway?" you you questioned.

"oh its just something we're working on..look you can't tell a single soul this but if this thing works we may be able finally to travel universes"


"yea so if you could just hold st-"

"Oh shit" you yelled as you dropped the device"
"it shocked me"

"oh no im sorry about this i need to work on it a bit"

"no no its fine"

~Time skip~

you got home dropped all your stuff and then fell on the couch, the area on your hand still hurt from when you got shocked earlier.
"man wtf was that"
you decided to just get ready for bed and go to sleep.
to be continued

Hiii this is my first story and uh yea i'll start working on the next chapter right now

~my universe~ stray kids 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now