2- spark

13 1 0

3rd person POV

After your visit with your mother, you headed back to the dorms. Aizawa was waiting outside to drive you back. He noticed a worried look tinged with disappointment on your face but he doesn't feel the need to look into it.

" How did your visit with Ms. L/N go?" He asked with caution. Aizawa was always a bit suspicious of your family, with the exception of you. It never made sense to him how you could have a quirk when both your parents were quirkless AND be able to run a popular hero agency.  Your parents were also heavily involved with the media which he absolutely despised.

" Oh it went fine I guess, mom is acting the same as always." during the times when your parents pushed you away, you confided in Aizawa, you knew him since you were young because of his involvement as a pro hero through your parents. He was like that one cool uncle that knew more about you than your parents did.

"What did you guys talk about if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, I came to ask her about the U.A gala actually. I asked her if it was possible to go with another guy in 3A because it's proper etiquette right? And all the other girls had a partner, A few moments later she threw a fit at me telling me that guys are distractions and the only way I could go with anyone is if she picked who. She ended up picking Kirishima."

" that's good, I would have thought you would be going solo again this year"

" Hey hey hey watch your mouth old man, I was just trying to be an independent woman the past few years"

" Oh yeah, that's definitely why, it's not because your mom makes you absolutely shit your pants in fear and you finally built up the courage to ask her. I hope this visit only made you piss your pants cuz I don't want you stinking up my car" Aizawa laughed out loud while y/n just glared at him.

" ha ha ha ha ha I have never laughed more in my life. I think I was just hit with Ms. Jokes' quirk. You kept a monotone face as you slapped his arm.

You pulled into the dorm parking and began unbuckling your seatbelt when Aizawa started talking in a serious tone.

" Hey kid, I think you should start thinking about the possibibilty of moving out of your parents house after graduation in a couple of weeks. You dont have to worry about geting hired as a sidekick by a top hero so the money portion is covered, ill even help you look if you want. I just dont think you should stick around in that toxic household for much longer."

you never really thought about moving out since you knew that you would get a job at your familys agency but what Aizawa was saying made sense. You never really had any relationship with your parents so staying or leaving would make no difference to you. Your mom on the other hand might rip you into tiny peices. She made it very clear that you would be coming back home after school and working there. No other option was ever presented to you. Deep down in your heart you would love to see her shocked face and the way she would squirm if you told her. after all, she desereved a little pain after everything shes put you through. Someone needs to teach her that not everything can go her way. The idea of all of this lit a spark in your heart.

" you know what, I like that idea and ill take you up on that offer. It would be amazing if you could find me an apartment while I try and figure out a way to tell my family."

" sure think kiddo, stay safe okay." you both step out of the car and wave goodbye.

And with that, you decided you would your family after the gala.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter this week I needed a bit of a transition into the next part but get ready yall, the next few chapters are gonna start gettin juicyyyyy and filled with lots of angst so stay tuned. Thank you guys for taking the time to read my story it actually means alot to me. Stay hydrated and safe. love you all babes - Maya :)

The one that got away- (BakugoxY/N)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن