Chapter 3

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A few hours later they were at the game and headed to their seat.

"Blimey dad! How far up are we?" Ron asked.

"Well put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." someone said.

They all looked at who it was and it was Lucius Malfoy.

"Father and I are here from the ministry's boss. By personal invitation, of Cornelius Fudge himself!" Malfoy said.

"Don't brisk Draco!" Lucius said.

Then he looked at Harriet and put his staff on top. She looked at him.

"Do enjoy yourself why don't you? While you can."

A few minutes later they were at their spot and waiting.

"Here we are, I told you these seats were worth waiting for!" Arthur said.

Suddenly some people appeared.

"It's the Irish!" Fred said.

Then a leprechaun appeared and started dancing. Then another team came and the leprechaun disappeared.

"Here comes the Bulgarians!" George said.

Then someone started to do things.

"Who's that?" Ginny asked.

"That there's the best seeker in the world!" Fred said.

"KRUM!" Harriet, George and Ron said together.

"Good evening! As, minister for magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you! Let the match, begin!" Fudge said.

After the game they were in their campsite and talking while Arthur made some tea. Suddenly he heard something and went outside.

"There's no one like Krum! Such a burden to fight!" Ron said.

"I think you're in love Ron "Ginny said.

"Shut up!" he said.

"Victor I love you!" Fred sang.

"Victor I do!" George sang back.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" everyone else sang.

"Stop! Stop it! We have to get out of here, now!" Arthur said.

Then they all left the camp. "Get back to the portkey everyone and stick together! Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility!" he said and took out his wand.

Hermione was on Ron's side while Harriet stood there and looked around.

"Harriet!" Hermione said.

She turned around and started running. While she did that she saw weird dressed people.

"Harriet!" Hermione said again.

Then she started running again and tripped. When she tried to get up she was hit by something and then was hit again and lost consciousness.

Sure enough she started to come back. When she stood up she heard someone say something.

"Morsmordre!" someone yelled.

She looked at him and he looked at her back.

"Harriet!" She turned around.

"Harriet where are you?" someone else said.

"Harriet!" Hermione said.

"Been looking for you for ages! Thought we left you here." Ron said.

Then she looked up. "What is that?" Then her scar started to hurt. "Ah!" She put her hand on her scar.

Hermione looked at her. Then they heard something.

"Stupefy!" A few people said together. Harriet covered her friends.

"Stop! That's my son!" Arthur said while he ran to them and bumped into Crouch. "Ron, Harriet, Hermione are you alright?"

"End of the line! You've been discovered at the scene of the crime!" Mr. Crouch said with his wand in his hand.

"Crime?" Harriet said confused.

"Barty, they're just kids!" Arthur said.

"What crime?"

"It's the Dark Mark Harriet, It's his Mark." Hermione said quietly.

"Voldemort. Those people tonight, in the mask, they're his to. Followers."

Arthur nodded. "Death Eaters."

"Follow me." Crouch said.

"Umm, there was a man, before. Right there." she said.

Crouch looked at her. "All of you, this way!"

When they left Arthur looked at her. "A man Harriet, who?"

"I don't know, I didn't see his face." she said and looked up to see the sign was still there.

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