💚Chapter 4💚

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Im busy with school and i might not mention sandford and deimos or any other characters because im not good at writing stories and i dont really know their personalitys.

(Hank Doesnt even wanna bother going towards tricky and you again because hes probably gonna get hit by the stop sign he feels weak.)

(Tricky goes to your kitchen and sees the groceries you bought.)

(Insert Tricky gasp noise.)

(You Forgot that tricky liked fruit punch.)

(Tricky Violently open the whole entire bottle of fruit punch and drank it  leaving a mess on the ground.)

(You sigh and clean it up.)

(Tricky sees you clean it up and gets sad because it was his fault he made that mess.)

(And hugged you while you were cleaning it up.)

(Im gonna make tricky talk even though he doesnt talk at all i just feel like i need to add it.

Tricky:Im sorry y/n for making a mess with the fruit punch..

Y/n:Aw Its Ok Tricky Just Be Careful When You Open It Next Time So You Wont Make a Mess.

(You hug him back he makes this face ^ ^ and blush.)

(Hank Sits in his bed and watches tv.)

((Tricky and you go for a walk and see grunts coming at you and tricky trying to stab you and punch you.)

(Tricky runs after them and your lost and you stand there in confusion.)

(After a 10 minutes of walking around you walked inside a gas station backroom and you see this.)

(You see tricky and gasp and just panic there concerned for tricky

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(You see tricky and gasp and just panic there concerned for tricky.)

Yes yes i know that drawing was poorly made but i tried and i think it turned out pretty good hope you liked this chapter😃 sorry for this being short im running out of ideas and sorry there has been no smut or dirty scenes yet im thinking if i should do that. I might not.

Tricky X Reader (NO SMUT.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant