iv. manuscript

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he drips the plume down the paper
and rainbows appeared,
along with
beautiful flashes of light,
plush greens down the hill,
and a dreamy sky with a bluish hue.
they all look majestic.

as he removes the pen
the rainbows turned into snakes,
the red lights hurt his eyes,
the plants looked dull,
the sky is roaring,
it seemed angry.

he drips it down again.
the sky roared louder,
as rain poured down
his clothes, now soaked,
made him uncomfortable.
while hoping for the rain
to subside
he pushed the pen harder.

creatures crawled out of the manuscript
and bit him hard.
he cried out in pain,
while still not letting go.

he still wishes to see
the lights he adored,
the sky which smiled at him,
and the green plains he stared at.

he felt the blood pour out of his skin
and it felt like a thousand pinches.
the creatures vanished in thin air,
the rain stopped pouring.

his face lit up
as the manuscript went back
to its original state.

- he held on.

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