They Realize They Like You As More Than A Friend

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This chapter is in the characters p.o.v

Emily Prentiss: I was sitting at my desk doing some paperwork when Y/N walked out of Rossi's office. She walked over to my desk and said "Hey Emily can you help me with something?" I looked up at her and said "Um sure what is it?" She smiled and grabbed a chair and pulled it up to my desk and said "Okay so I'm taking some college classes to futher my education and I came here to ask my dad for help on some homework, buts he's to busy so will you help me?" I nodded and she reached into the bag she had and pulled out a notebook and a packet of papers. She put the notebook on my desk and said "Before start do you have a pencil because I forgot one." I shook my head and said "No ask Spencer." She turned and said "Hey Spencer do you have a pencil I can borrow?" He nodded and hand her a pencil she thanked him then turned around and said "Great let's get started. I'm gonna ask you some questions and just answer it okay?" I nodded and she said "Okay first question would you be friends with yourself?" I looked at her confused and said "What class is this for?" She looked at me and said "I can't say just answer the question." I nodded and said "I mean probably not." She nodded and leaned over the notebook and wrote something down. This went on for a few more questions and each time I would answer she would write something in the notebook and mumble about how interesting it was. When she was done with her questions she stood up and said "Thank you for your help." She then grabbed her things and said "I'll come back sometime this week and tell you what this was about, but I can't today." I smiled and said "Okay." She smiled and started walking away and I just watched her walk away while thinking about how cute she was. I shook my head and turned back to my paperwork knowing Rossi woul probably kill me if her knew what I was thinking about his daughter.

JJ: I was sitting in my office working on some paperwork. I heard a knock on the door and said "Come in." The door open and Y/N walked in and said "Hey can I talk to you about something. Um you know what nevermind. I'm sorry for bothering you." She turned to leave, but before she got out of the door I said "Wait. What did you want to talk about?" She turned to me and said "It's nothing important. I'll just talk to someone else I don't want to bother you." I put my hands on my desk and said "You not bothering me and you never will, but if you really don't want to talk with me that's okay." She bit her lip and said "It's probably best if I talk to Emily and Morgan about this they are normally the ones with the stupid ideas and this is kind of a bad idea and I don't want to drag you down with me." I nodded but before I could say anything Emily walked by and Y/N called her name then ran after her. I laughed becuase she is one of the weiredest people I have ever meet, but she is also adorable.

Penelope Garcia: I was sitting in my bat cave with Y/N. She had come to visit Emily, but Emily had gotten called away on a case so she came and sat with me. She was spinning around in the chair she was in and singing a song quietly. She would stop anytime the phone rang and answer the phone and say "Garcia's cave how can she help you?" Everytime she said that it made me laugh and immediately after she said it she would go back to spinning in the chair and singing. I know I have a crush on Y/N.

Kate Callahan: I was sitting with Y/N in a coffee shop. We had found her ex a while ago, but me and Y/N still hang out sometimes. During our past few hangouts I have realized that I like the younger women. Just hanging out with her makes me very happy.

Alex Blake: I was hanging out with Y/N at her apartment. We have become good friends ever since I first called her a week after we bumped into each other at the coffee shop. We don't normally see each other a lot with the fact that I'm out of town on cases and Y/N's a homicie detective so she works long hours. It kind of sucks that we can't hang out more because I love hanging out with her.

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