Pink Drinks

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     "Jessie I don't wanna go now sense Fitz is going to be here" I groan and stomping like a toddler. If Fitz sees me i swear ill punch him in that stupid face of his. Jessie just continues to drag me inside. Inside was dark but the bright pink and purple lights lit the room up. Some business meeting was more like a club in here. College kids and young men everywhere, in the corner there was a stripper? I'm coming to think this "Business meeting" is a cover-up for a party. 

    The room was glittering and lights flashing blinding me. Deeper in the room it reeked with spilled alcohol. Jessie looks at me as we get close to the bar. Oh Shit, she wants to take shots I already know this. I glare at her but she laughs, "Come on just one!" she orders before I say no. She hands me a shot. It was hot pink with a red syrup drizzled on top. "Let's party hard" screams with energy and we both take a shot. 

    It tastes like strawberry popsicles and spicy red lickerish. It was good but I choke as my throat burns from the alcohol. She hands me another and we take another till we take 5. I can feel the regret as my mind gets fizzy from this Pink drink. The DJ comes on and starts playing music. People start grinding and kissing. I give disgusted looks and I sit at the bar not wanting to dance. 

    I watch the people get touched and grinded on, why did I start to feel jealous? I ignore it and make small talk with the bartender. "Well Hello there," A man says behind me. I turn around with an annoyed look ready for a drunk man who wants to get laid. But he seemed sober, tall in his black suit, no shirt under seeing his pack and V- line. I look away fast and look at his face though he was wearing a black bunny mask with tall ears. Who the hell is this guy?

    "You need something?" I cross my arms as I stare at him in his blank white-masked eyes. He steps closer into my bubble his face twisting towards my ear to talk sense the music was loud till i can feel the beat raddle my bones. "Wanna dance gorgeous?" He speaks, his voice was so playful and deep. I felt my heart skip a beat and felt my legs get up on the ground. WAIT NO I WANT TO SAY NO! My body moves on its own and he takes my hand gently and takes me to the dancefloor.

    The lights flash in my eyes I cover them but the man takes his big hands onto my hips giving me a big rush of butterflies. I start to panic not use to this feeling in a long time. The music moves us and i could feel the drink blurry my head. I let go of holding back and just dance and let him guide. I started to grind on him feeling his dick on me a little. Oh my gosh, Payton what are you doing. His big hands hold me in this position. 

    I felt his right hand to grace up to my chest then my neck and holds my neck like a choker, he lowers his head to my face and speaks into my ear. "Want some time alone? I been dying to finally talk to you" I look at his mask wishing to see his facial expression. Finally talk to me? Who is this guy, I did pack a small pocket knife in my dress, i have sewn a little pocket to carry. I nod feeling this wave of curiosity. I could feel his light chuckle from his chest.

    Later he takes me upstairs and to a balcony, I felt so dizzy I shouldn't have let Jessie give me more shots. The view was gorgeous to the backyard, no one was outside at all, there was a big pond reflecting the moon above. Sadly not a full moon like all the books I read before. I lean over the balcony to breathe fresh air just what i need to get my head back to normal.

   "finally Payton we are now alone" I hear the balcony doors lock and i heart stops. Shit, what i get into. I turn around fast seeing The man standing tall over me, "What do you want from me? you're scaring me" I lean back more but he continues to get closer. "Aw Payton, you never recognized my voice? I knew this mask was to muffling, Owen was a lier then." He says. Owen? Oh my god, this can't be Fitz. I reach for my knife and pull it out fast snapping the long thin blade out. 

    "Wow there, your feistier than you normally are" He chuckles devilishly. He slowly takes of the mask, it was Fitz. He's smile ear to ear, a fresh scar cut on his cheek. "I see you still get into your stupid fights Fitz who was it now?" I yell at him. "Ah tonight was with Owen, he said some things that really pissed me off". I stare at him lost in rushing thoughts. I was so confused what he wanted from me. 

   He steps towards me more and I push myself to stab him with my knife but he grabs my hand tightly making me scream. I stare into his green eyes, i raise my other hand to hit him but he stops that hand to. He holds my hands on the railing and sliding his leg between my thighs. Butterflies rush through my body fast, my eyes start to water in panic why did i start to enjoy this? Fitz smiles with joy, his teeth were so white and had sharp canines-like fangs. 

   "Why don't you trust me Ms. Forest" He whispers to my ear and then pulls back to look at possibly a scared face. I gave him a dirty look and spat in his face. He looks down at me and laughs coming close to my lips "Now that's nice Ms. Forest why not relax, we are here to have fun". I close my eyes tightly, "Let me go Fitz" I beg. "That won't happen, you did try to stab me and spit in my face now I think its my turn" He goes to y neck and kisses it slowly. 

    My body goes hot and warm and my body just rushes with butterflies is unbearable. I could feel his little fangs bite against my collarbone and I couldn't hold a little moan out. "You enjoying yourself there?" He looks at me. I didn't want to speak. I was mad at myself for enjoying this. He heads in for a kiss, his lips so soft, and felt his tongue on mine. I felt like melting, his taste of hard vodka and cherry. 

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