Chapter 19

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Finally Harry was back and crying. There had been a screen for the task. He could barely move from tiredness and pain. Tired from the task and pain from the duel and torture curse twice.


He looked up and saw Tracey, Sirius, Remus and his parents run to him.

When they got to him he cried. Sirius wanted to switch into his animagus and lick him but knew better. Remus rubbed his shoulder gently while Lilly held onto him. James stood there rubbing his other shoulder. Tracey took his hand and squeezed it a bit to give him enough energy to stay up a bit longer.

He started to calm down but didn't let go of his mum and neither did James, Sirius or Remus.

"He's back! He's back, Voldemort's back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him. Not there!" he said while Dumbledore sat behind him.

"It's alright Harry, you're home, you both are." he said back.

"Keep everybody in their seats! A boys just been killed." Fudge said.

"Let me through, let me through! That's my son! That's my boy. My BOY!" Amus said crying.

Suddenly Moody started to get Harry off of his friends and family.

"Easy, easy, this is not where you want to be right now."

"Alastor-" Remus started.

"No Remus, he's right. We'll be back in a few minutes." Dumbledore said.

So they headed to Moody's office.

When they got to his office he shut the door.

"You alright Potter? Does it hurt, that?" he asked pointing his hand on his arm.

"Not so much now."

"Perhaps I better take a look at it?"

So he looked at his arm and put a finger on it.

"The Cup was a portkey." he said.

"What he like?" he asked.

"Who? Ah!"

"The Dark Lord. What was it like, to stand in his presents?"

Suddenly he started to change form.

"I don't know, it was like one of my nightmares."

Moody looked around for some potions. "Were there others? In the graveyard were there others?"

"I don't, think I ever said anything about a graveyard."

"Marvelous creatures dragons aren't they? Big Cedric Diggory. And Neville Longbottom a witness wonder. Couldn't have given you gillyweed if I'd given him that book!"

"It was you from the beginning. You put my name in the goblet of fire! You bewitched Krum! But, but-"

"But, but, but. You won because I made it so Potter. But now the deed is done. Imagine what he will reward me, when I silence the great, Harry Potter."


Then the door burst open and Dumbledore, Snape and a few other people appeared.


He opened the bottle of Veritaserum and poured it into Moody's mouth.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"Are you Alastor Moody? Are you?!"


"Is he in this room? Is he in this room?!"

He turned his head and pointed at the metal container.

"Harry away from there!"

McGonagall pushed him away from it then Snape used his wand and unlocked it. Then they walked over to it.

"You alright Alister?"

"I'm sorry Albus." Moody said his hand over his eye.

"We'll get you out in a minute."

"That's Moody, but then that's who?"

Snape opened the bottle and sniffed it. "Polyjuice potion."

"Now we know who's been stealing from your stores Severus."

Suddenly they heard something and turned around.


It was Crouch jr. Then he started to jump and grab Harry.

"Harry!" Dumbledore said.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He took out his arm.

"Your arm Harry." Dumbledore said and took it out.

"Ah!" he said and winced.

"You know what it means don't you? The Dark Lord has returned."

"Send an owl to Azkaban, tell them we found one of their missing people."

"I'll be Welcome back like a hero!"

"Perhaps but we don't have time for that now."

The next day they were standing in the great hall quietly.

"Today, we acknowledged a really terrible loss." Dumbledore said. Then he stood up. "You see Cedric Diggory was murdered by lord very! The minister didn't want me to tell you this, but I feel you have a right to know exactly how he died. Inline of recent events, I strong, and brave right to the very end."

Later that day Dumbledore came into the boys dormitory and saw Harry sitting there quietly.

"I never liked these curtains, set them on fire in my fourth year. By accident of course." He looked at Harry. "I put you in terrible danger Harry, I'm sorry."

"Professor, when I was in the graveyard Voldemort and my wands connected. You said our wands have the same core and from Fawkes. What happened?"

"Prior incantantem. You saw your grandparents and Cedric last night didn't you?" He nodded.

A few hours later Harry, Ron, Hermione and Tracey were outside talking. Harry, Tracey and Hermione were standing next to Ron while he sat there.

"You know this has been quite the year at Hogwarts. Don't you think?" Ron said.

"No." Harry, Tracey and Hermione said together.

"I didn't think so. Oh well." he said.

They started to walk when they saw Hermione standing there.

"Everything's going to change now isn't it?" Hermione asked.

Harry looked at her. "Yes." he said with a small nod.

"Promise you'll right this summer," she looked at Ron. "All of you."

"I won't, you know I won't." Ron said.

She looked at Harry and Tracey. "Harry and Tracey will won't you?"

"Yeah, every week." Harry said with an eyebrow up.

Then they started laughing and looking at the other schools leave.

Then Tracey thought of something. "Do you guys think Dumbledore is going to bring the Order back?"

"Probably. Something's telling me this war is going to be worse then the first one." Harry said.

"Probably. But with us being at school now, this war will be easier this time. " Tracey said.

The other three nodded in agreement.

"As long as we try harder than before we can do it and make this one shorter then last time." Harry said.

This was going to be a hard future, but with friends and family, it will be fine.

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