The Day is Long

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Every morning, (Y/n) wakes up in her apartment and takes a look at the tattered walls around her, slightly sad at the state of her living space.

The bare room with a tan, blank aesthetic wasn't pleasing to be around, but it was generally clean and certain flaws were hidden behind plain paintings and shelves.

This morning, however, (Y/n) was optimistic to her situation as she awoke. Perhaps it was because of her long, uninterrupted slumber- or the macaroni dish she had last night that was more delicious than she thought. Either way, she woke up slowly and yawned with contentment.

"Well... time for work!" She says cheerfully as she jumps from bed, walking happily to her bathroom that attached to her bedroom.

She ignored the terrible condition of her bathroom and happily got ready for her job.

Her job, of course, was as a server at a small, yet popular fast food joint called Goldies Delicacies, that wasn't far from her home at FullBed Apartments.

She adorned the light purple dress; with the apron waiting for her at the locker at work, she quickly ran out the door.

On the tight, small, circular stairwell, she met with her upstairs neighbor who was gossiping with a tiny, old lady she hadn't seen before. He was a bald, tall, lean man who obviously had an addiction to cigarettes and cocaine and was only a few years older than herself. (Y/n) kindly nodded to him as he hugged the lady and he winked to her as she walked away.

(Y/n) made it out the door, remarking at the identical, brick-built building across from her own apartment. Rival buildings.

One- a shady apartment, the other- a rustic hotel made for travelers. She only gazed a moment- every morning, wondering who her might look out her copied window in this building. She shrugged and kept walking on, straight to work. Her small heels felt comfortable today and she felt energized.

"This is so weird... why am I so happy to work?" She thought as she caught herself almost skipping when she turned a corner to see the diner.

"Whatever," she chuckled as she perked back up and walked inside.

"(Y/n) you're just in time- there's a shipment..." Sierra, this tall curly blonde ran up to (Y/n) and bumped her shoulder against (Y/n)'s in a playful and close manner, "of tourists to swoon and get as investors! You live across the motel right? I heard some are gonna be living there- they'll probably come by to eat!"

(Y/n) laughed with her friend in excitement and playfulness as they walked to the back of the diner to get (Y/n)'s outfit complete. After she finished she walked back to the dining area and started her daily task of serving the customers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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