Chapter 3: The Theme Park

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I had woken up early that day. It had been the long approaching day and I walked downstairs to see my mom and sister sitting on the couch watching P.j mask on the YouTube

"P.j mask, P.J mask" my sister sang

"Cause nighttime" mom sang joining in

"Is the right time" Amanda sang

"To fight crime"

"I can't think of a rhyme" Amanda ended

"Haha again. Mommy play it again!" Amanda said clapping jovially. That brat could be really cute at least when she wasn't insulting me

"Okay Darling," Mom said before replaying the song

"Good morning guys," I said making them aware of my presence

"Alex dear what are you doing up so early?" Mom asked surprised

"You do know it's Saturday right bro?" Amanda said

"Wait wait let me guess. You forgot the day and jumped up thinking you had school today" Amanda laughed

"No for your information I have a date. Not that it's any of your business" I said

"Wait what?" Mom said

"I'm going on a..."

"Alex I know Wendy um...." Mom said

"Shot you like a bird during hunting season," Amanda said bluntly

"But do you really think it is a good idea to go out with someone so soon," Mom asked

"Mom. It's not really a date. I'm just going to hang out with a friend. Who just happens to be a girl" I said

"That sounds like a date to me," Amanda said

"Mom, can you turn that annoying thing off?" I asked

"Amanda turn down the T.V.," Mom said

"Fine" Amanda sighed as turned down the video

"Too bad she doesn't come with an off switch too," I said

"That's what Mom said about your receipt" Amanda responded

"Stop it both of you"

"Fine," I said

"Hmph he started it," she said

"Alex" mom said

"Mom it's not a date. In fact, she's just bringing me out to cheer me up about my rejection" I lied

"Oh, a good samaritan feeling sorry for a wounded animal. God bless her soul" Amanda said

"What did you call me?"

"I believe him, Mommy. I think it'd be hard to find someone to go on a date with him. Willing at least" Amanda said

"That's it. Get over here you little brat" I said running towards her but she only jumped across the table.

"Haha" she laughed as I tripped and landed face-first on the couch

"Haha loser" she laughed

"Amanda can you go get something from your room," Mom said mentally exhausted

"What mommy?"

"I don't know. Just get something" I said before Amanda went up to her room


"I know. It's really not a date mom" I said

"Fine. Just be careful okay" Mom said

"Okay mom I promise I will," I said

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