Chapter 1

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*All parts are in Y/N POV unless stated otherwise;)*

Today was just like any other day in Live. I wake up to a cold, concrete room underground to the sound of Fireflies by Owl City blaring from the company issued phone on my bedside table. I groan as I check my alarm, squinting at the brightness from the screen as I try to remember why I set an alarm for 4:00 in the morning, 3 hours earlier than I usually get up. I hear a knock on my door before it opens to reveal my very close friend and roommate Nikita Nihachu, or Niki, as we all call her.
"You excited?" she asks, eyes sparkling and smiling wide. I give her a dead eyed look before responding, "Should I be? And if so for what?" At this she giggles lightly at my half asleep brain.
"The new SCP is arriving later today. You said you were getting up early so you could finish your report on Tommy and Tubbo before the new guy arrived." My eyes widened and a smile began to form across my lips.
"I definitely didn't forget about that," I say, scratching the back of my neck with a guilty look on my face. She smirks and rolls her eyes at my response before leaving the room, hollering "Eggs are on the stove. I'll see you in containment!" I climb out of bed and walk to the mini kitchen in our shared room of the bunker. I fill my thermos with coffee before removing the eggs from the skillet and eating them as I return to my room to continue getting ready. I pull my hair into a high ponytail (or just brush it back if your hair is too short) and do some light make up so I look less like a corpse. After finishing my eggs, I brush my teeth and put on a t-shirt and jeans, very professional I know, but it's comfortable and Wil doesn't care what I wear as long as I can work in it. I grab my thermos and drop my now empty plate of eggs in the sink before walking out the door, making sure to lock it first as all the pervy old men in here who've spent the last 15+ years underground away from women, for the most part, like to go snooping in the bras and underwear of the young female employees like Niki and I. I pass Dr. Jansen in the hall, offering a small smile and wave as I enter my office, which he returns, bushy fox tail wagging slightly behind him. I shake my head after entering my office and shutting the door. People like him are seen as outcasts in here. They spend too much time around the same SCP and pick up traits from it. Fundy has the most noticeable one I've seen yet. The ears and tail he sports, while matching his hair well enough, stand out like a sore thumb compared to the normalcy of everyone else. I've only ever met 1 other person here who has had that much exposure. A behavioral analyst, Zak Ahmed, or Skeppy as Noveschosch always calls him. When Live employees still went above ground to study, about 7 years ago, he discovered an SCP in Egypt that produced beautiful cyan colored diamonds. He would spend days around it without breaks in between and eventually the exposure led him to grow small diamonds on his skin. Most of them can be covered by clothing, but the few on his face lead to a very striking complexion. A knock on my door startles me from my thoughts.
"Come in!" I turn to my door as Wilbur walks in, a frantic look in his eyes as he pushes his round glasses further up his nose.
"Tommy is becoming violent again. Niki's in the lab so you're what we've got." I quickly jump to my feet, following closely behind Wilbur to containment where Tommy has created a barricade of vines around Tubbo while sending other vines toward various doctors trying to enter his indestructible glass box. I jog over to the door, slapping my palm on the decontamination scanner and entering the box. A puff of whatever it is they spray on us later, I am kneeling in front of Tommy, my hand reaching out palm down towards him.
"Tommy I need you to calm down. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. You know that." I begin to inch forward. A vine quickly wraps itself around my wrist, the thorns slicing as its grip tightens.
"Tommy you're hurting me. Let me go. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you don't stop." I feel like I'm talking to a child throwing a temper tantrum. I maintain a firm but caring looking in my eyes as I stare at him. His blue eyes stare back at me, a fire hidden behind them until a small whimper, the first sound we've heard from either of them, breaks Tommy's focus. He turns to Tubbo, who has now managed to escape Tommy's vine prison and is looking at him fearfully. The vines once attacking are recalled back into Tommy as he slumps to the floor, head hung in shame. Tubbo crawls towards me slowly, eyes locked on my bleeding wrist as he gingerly takes it into his hands. He moves slowly, my wrist still in hand, pulling me towards Tommy. He passes my hand to Tommy and looks at him sadly. A flower begins to sprout from the vines around his face. After getting to the size of a peanut, he plucks the bud and rubs it on the cuts caused by his vines. A green ooze begins flowing from them onto the floor and they begin to close, leaving small scars behind. Another first since their arrival, I get gently encircled by Tommy's vines, now without thorns, and I get pulled towards him and Tubbo, their arms soon wrapping tightly around me.

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