Day 1 Planning

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Day 1 of planning the confession. You had been in love with Kuroo for months now. Although, he hadn't known. Well, at least you hoped he hadn't. You had finally built up courage to confess to him but, how? How would you confess to him? Would you ask him to meet you at the sakura tree? Would you write him a note and put it in his locker? Would you casually tell him one day? Or will you accidentally blurt it out in a conversation as you have done in the past. You had started to write down some ideas of way to confess to Kuroo. There was one idea you wrote down that sparked an idea. It was a volleyball date. You thought he would enjoy that the most since he loves volleyball after all. But, were you sure of this? You decided to ask a friend. You messaged your closest friend, of course Kenma. Since he somewhat knew Kuroo very well he said 'yes' 'he would love a volleyball date' but, how would you ask Kuroo? Would your brain magically suggest it in a random conversation you have with Kuroo?

The more ideas you wrote down the more anxious and scared you got. Now your were overthinking things. You thought things like : What if he doesn't like me? What if he rejects me? What would happen if it ruined your relationship with Kuroo if you confessed? You tried to think positively for example saying to yourself that he wont reject you. He wont hate you. It wont ruin your relationship with him. But you weren't sure. Every time you started overthinking you would look over to the posters of Kuroo you had on your wall. The pictures had inspiring quotes on them with helped you calm down most of the time. And so you kept looking at the posters of Kuroo that were on your wall. To be honest, you felt like you were obsessed with him. You had posters of him, drawings, paintings, photos saved on your phone, videos of him, and 2 full memory books full with his pictures. You were crazy for him. You felt embarrassed of this obsession so you kept it to yourself. You noticed how many games Kuroo had played. And so you figured that Kenma was correct. A volleyball date was what you had chosen. But how would you mention this date..?

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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