Warmth filled Type’s heart as he soaked in the loving touch of Tharn, leaning into the hug and holding him closer, hands rubbing his back. They stayed like that, standing and swaying side to side, Type tried to peek at Tharn’s face when he felt a tear drop on his neck but gave up soon enough, focussing on holding Tharn tighter almost afraid to let go.

When Tharn finally calms down, Type pulls away, looking the other in the eye, rubbing their foreheads together. “You want to eat?” Type asked, pointing towards what he cooked, kissing Tharn when he happily nodded yes, but neither of them made any move to separate.

“Woah, that was so good na Type!” Tharn exclaimed, leaning back on the chair after the last bite.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Type scolded, rolling his eyes when Tharn blew a kiss at him. “I am gonna shower!” Type said, getting up, leaving the dish washing duty to Tharn.

“We can shower together!” Tharn said, ready to follow Type, but was stopped by Type.

“No, do the dishes” Type said, pointing at the table. He closed the bathroom door behind him, letting out a deep sigh. Taking off the beanie, he looked at his head rubbing a hand up it, he groaned entering the shower and washing himself. He got out after cleaning himself thoroughly, putting on the robe, looking back into the mirror he frowned at the reflection. Ahh the missing hair was really doing a number to his self confidence, he grumbled about looking weird and pulled the beanie back on.

Tharn frowned  as he looked at Type walking out with the beanie still on his bed, but thankfully didn’t say anything just pressing a kiss on Type’s lips before going to shower too.

Type hurried and got under the covers, pulling them up to his neck, he was feeling weird but the sheets and bed smelled like Tharn, they smelled like comfort and most of all, They smelled like Home.

After five minutes Tharn exited the shower, looking at Type sitting on the bed under the covers, wiggling around. “Nervous?” Tharn asked him, as he sat on the edge of the bed, looking right at him with the fondest look on his stupidly handsome face.

“Tharn, did you buy a new TV?” Type asked, trying to divert the topic, he could feel his stomach twisting, was it excitement or was it the nerves? He couldn’t tell, but Tharn had moved and was sitting next to him, patiently answering every stupid question Type asked.

“Type~” Tharn whined, “Why are you so nervous? It’s just me.” Tharn said, pressing a kiss to Type’s face and nuzzled into his neck.

“I am not nervous…” Type, replied hesitantly. Not looking at Tharn worried, he will know the truth if he looks into his eyes.

“Right… then what’s wrong baby?” Tharn asked, turning to Type, running his hand over Type’s covered head, noticing the way Type seemed to flinch lightly. He sighed as Type shook his head.

“Is it your hair baby?” Tharn asked, cooing at Type when he felt him stiffen in his arms. Tharn slowly cupped his hand over the other’s cheek, turning his face to himself, he looked into his eyes trying to convey as much love as he could, “Don’t worry about it too much, it will grow back hmm,” Tharn rubbed their noses together, pressing a small kiss on Type’s lips.

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