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Everybody was fighting Thanos. Captain Marvel,Stark,Buck. All of them. All of them so focused they did not see a new figure observing the Titan's battle strategies.

She attacked him from behind,startling the rotten grape of a villian.
They fought.

"Are you still not fearful of the man who is destined to win. Princess of Jotenhiem "scorned the ridiculously large chinned banana peel.

" First,I'm not a princess. I've disowned my royal status, " she said putting Thanos in a chokehold,"and second,you're not going to win. Not again".

"What makes you so sure. All your true warriors are overwhelmed in battle." he retorted."The only one strong enough to come within a mile's length of me is a piece of weak jotun scum. An ameteur magician."

"Why do you say that?Are you scared?",she released a blast of magic to the titan,rendering him disarmed for a few moments.

" Hello,mysterious lady that came out of know where.",Carol blasted Thanos with her powers.

"Help yourself to the mad titan."

"Why, thank you.",the power duo fought the villian.

As Carol held back the titan,she ,at last,turned his bones to dust,with a special spell,she had prepared just for the occasion.

A few moments later,the girl took the gauntlet, snapped her fingers,turning Thanos' army to dust,bringing back those that died with the Blip,the battle of Wakanda,Thanos' invasion on Asgard,those killed by Surtur and Hela ,her mother and her invasion in New york.

All in time for Thor to run towards her and give her a hug.
" You're alive."
"So is mother,you giant oaf."
"You and mother are alive!."
"Yeah,we're alive."I stabbed him.

"So,Thor,do you know this completely unknown hero that stabbed you."said the stark person.

"I wouldn't call myself a hero,much rather an anti-villian or anti-hero. But,I should ask,what happened to you calling me Reindeer genes." she readjusted her helmet.

"You little..."

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