"Crush them all." Sopespian ordered.

Edmund and (Y/N) caught each others eye, before taking their weapons out, both being worried about the other.

Peter led the way as they all charged into Battle.


The Battle continued. 

A few Telmarine Soldiers ganged up on Caspian, they pushed him into the Pit.

Glozelle walked over with a Pike a lifted it up, but hesitated when he saw it was Caspian. Suddenly he got pulled away by a Tree root. Caspian sat up as Peter came and helped him up. They looked around at the trees that were helping them.

The Telmarines continued to launch Rocks at the Narnians though.

The Trees all stuck their roots into the ground, taking down the Trebuchets.

"For Aslan!" Peter shouts and the Narnians charge again.

"We can defeat them if we draw them to the river." A Soldier yelled.

"Too Beruna!" Sopespian shouts.

The Telmarines  retreated to the River Beruna. They reached the Bridge and started crossing. Halfway through, Sopespian stopped his Army and halted.

Lucy stood on the other side, dagger in hand and smiling.

Aslan joined her. Sopespian stared in shock, but then yelled "......Charge!"

Edmund stood next to (Y/N), slowly grabbing her hand and interlacing their fingers together.

She looked up at him and smiled, blush rising on both of their of cheeks.

The Telmarines charged torwards Aslan, but stopped as he roared. The water beneath the bridge shot up and formed the River God.

The River God lifted the Bridge, making Soldiers fall off and into the Water, until it was only Sopespian left on the Bridge.

He started swinging his sword wildly at the River God as water came pouring down on him.

The Soldiers that fell off came walking out of the water, handing their weapons to Narnians.

The Pevensives, (Y/N) and Caspian walked towards Aslan, kneeling.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia." Aslan spoke as the Pevensives and (L/N) rose.

"All of you." Aslan spoke, looking at Caspian who was still kneeling.

"I do not think I'm ready." Caspian looked up at Aslan.

"It's for that very reason, that I know you are." Aslan says.

Music started playing. They look around and see several mice carrying Reepcheep on a little stretcher.

Lucy bent down from beside (Y/N) and gave Reepcheep a drop from her cordial.

The mouse took a breath and sat up.

"Oh, thank you your majesty..." He says to Lucy, but his eyes then fell on Aslan.

"Oh, hail Aslan! It is a great honor to be-" Reepcheep tries to bow but stumbled forwards.

Turning around he realized that his tail was missing.

"I am completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion. Perhaps a drop more? Reepcheep looked up to Lucy's cordial.

"I don't think it does that." She said 

"You can have a go." Reepcheep suggests.

"It becomes you well, small one." Aslan said.

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