Chapter 17

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"What did you do anyway?" Beomgyu mused looking ou of the window. He was sitting at the back seat while Soobin was in the driver's seat with Taehyun beside him. "Its...a long story" Soobin grunted speeding up.

"Umm...Taehyun? " Beomgyu turned towards the short male for an explanation because it was clear as day Soobin did not want talk about it. "Not my story to tell Beom" Taehyun said side eyeing Soobin who remained quiet. The rest of the ride was silent, three of immersed in their own thoughts. But the common concern being Hueningkai.

"We are here" Taehyun announced getting down from the car. Soobin visibly stiffened up at the sight of the house. The house was small, sufficient for two people. It looked old but neat. Looks like Hueningkai was a clean freak. Even the flower pots were arranged in order with the the neat yard.

Sweat beads formed on Soobin's forehead, hands twitching nervously. He gulped at the sound of the house bell. He was nervous to face Hueningkai after all they had gone through.Taehyun looked concerned as well, short breaths coming out in puffs. Soobi  turned to his other side seeing Beomgyu perfectly calm. He was the only person in a same condition, maybe they did the right thing by bringing Beomgyu with them.

The door opened, a mob of messy hair appeared, "Who are you?" The raspy voice groaned. "Kai" Taehyun whispered, knocking the door lightly. Instantly the boy tried the closed a door but Soobin wedged his foot between the door pushing it open with the help of Beomgyu.

They managed to get inside, but Hueningkai ran away to the bedroom locking it. Beomgyu beckoned the two to stay down and rushed to bring Hueningkai out.

The duo waited anxiously for Beomgyu to come back with Kai. "He looks like a mess" Taehyun whispered voice breaking a bit. Soobin turned just in time to catch a tear slipping out of Taehyun's eye. "He will be fine he did not look that bad" Soobin attempted to pacify Taehyun, but it seemed to only anger him more. "YOU-"

"Guys" Beomgyu looked defeated, "Hueningkai is not coming out of his room, he is really stubborn" his voice sounded tired. "I'll go-"
"No I will" Soobin cut off Taehyun, glare was thrown his way as response.
"I was the one who made him upset, so I'll resolve it"
"You hurt him once again and I'll rip you in half" Taehyun growled.

Soobin only blinked in response and walked towards the room. A knock, two knocks there wasn't any response, just as he lifted to knock the third time a broken voice rang out. "I am not going to come Beomgyu"

"Its Soobin"

A brief silence followed but after a few minutes the door clicked. Soobin pushed it gently pushed it open entering the room. The room was messy alright, books thrown on the ground...clothes strewn aside.

Hueningkai was curled like a ball on the bed, his whole form shrunken into a blanket. "Hueningkai?"
"What you have to come mock me again? Go on I don't care" His voice was sharp and bitter, Soobin flinched a bit. It was a long time since he got to see this side of Hueningkai.

"I am sorry, but whatever I told Is the truth" Soobin said sincerely. "Truth...Ha" Hueningkai scoffed, later laughing with no humor in it. He sounded hollow and dead. Not the cheerful person he always was.

Soobin knew Hueningkai from long back, even before he cam to the school. They were bestfriends, he met Hueningkai in a canteen. The guy was all alone, when asked what's wrong he said that he was an orphan, with no where to go. Hueningkai was 15 years that time, So Soobin helped him but later his uncle came up and said would take care of him. And then later they drifted away, but still were in touch.

That's when Hueningkai got a girlfriend, her name was Yeji. She was older than him and also was involved in a gang and all. Soobin lothed her and the feeling was mutual. But suddenly Hueningkai stopped talking to them altogether. If Soobin tried to approach him then he would say something hurtful and run away. Always wore oversized sweaters, even in summer he wore sweaters.

Soobin was extremely concerned and scared, amidst all the chaos he realised a really saddening thought. He loved Hueningkai.......and it only gets worse as the boy distanced himself. So he left, went away from the mess.

"Do you want to know what happened after you left?" Hueningkai sniffled breaking Soobin's monologue.

"Taehyun just came along, After my uncle adopted me, he left to hostel but later came back as you left. We bonded since he was a cool person, then one day he had the same question as you...Why do I wear sweaters always even when it was literally burning outside. I pushed him away like I did with you, hoping he too would leave but no, he stuck around. Wouldn't leave me no matter how harsh I was so i told him later."

Soobin had tears in his eyes, but held them in and sat beside Hueningkai who looked at him with dull eyes. "What did you tell him?" His voice was soft and tender, Hueningkai almost cried....because it was years since Soobin used that tone with him.

"I-I " He chocked,too many emotions to handle. A hesitant hand placed itself on his hair stroking it slowly.

"Go slow, I can wait"

"I told him that Yeji was a-a"

"Go on"

"Abusive, it was three months in our relationship, she was really nice and she even had quit those gang stuff. I was really happy but later I saw you getting close to Lucas, I love him as a friend but you guys flirting so openly troubled me, later I realized that I-I like you so I told Yeji......Maybe she could help me. But she was paranoid and later became abusive and forced me to remain in the relationship."

Hueningkai's tears were unstoppable.
"A-nd I did not know what to do, i tried to tell you but you were busy with Lucas and then you left"

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" Soobin sobbed collecting Hueningkai in his arms. He was sobbing into his hair, kissing his forehead repeatedly saying how sorry he was. "And I wore those sweaters-"

"To hide all the bruises, God how can I be so fucking stupid" Soobin hugged Hueningkai tigheter, tears rushing like a fall. "I am so sorry Sunshine" He whispered, Hueningkai only cried harder hearing the nickname.

"I love you and still do" Hueningkai pecked his cheek joining their foreheads together. "Hueningie..." That brought another rush of tears.
"I get it if you don't love me, Yeonjun is a good person and-"

He was cut off with a kiss, it was a quick peck. He looked at Soobin suprised, but later dived in for a more passionate kiss. He was pressed into the bed, with Soobin on him. Their hands were intertwined, tongue exploring their mouths.

"I love you and will love you always and I promise we will sort this up" Soobin whispered breaking away from the kiss. "But forgive me"
"For what?" And then everything went black for Hueningkai.

"Hey I think we should go back, looks like Soobin got a free pass" Beomgyu tapped Taehyun who looked tense. "We can't gyu we have situation." He whispered. "Oh wait I can drop you off if you want, you got an exam tomorrow right? " Taehyun offered to which Beomgyu gave a small nod. He collected the keys,left a sticky note for them both in case anyone wanted to come in search of them, oblivious to what was happening.
So what do you think Soobin is gonna do..😬
And did you guys checkout The trailer!!
It was an absolutely dope, Like that was literal art😫😫
AND Hueningkai with blond hair and Beomgyu's mullet like please 😭😭😭
This comeback is going to be the BIGGEST of all😁
Take care 💖

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