My friend

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(A angsty Mozart fic involving jean!)

Relationships had never been something of interest to me. My life had belonged to my craft solely, my passion.

Though separating myself from something so natural was suffocating at times, I would never admit it out loud.

But no matter how unique or how close to perfection an individual could be they would always remain human.

They would feel.

Distracted by their insignificant burdens, heavy hearts.

My desire was to rid myself of these imperfections.

If I could not rise above, neither could my craft.

When given the chance I knew it was my only one.

I bid off my humanity. A monster of the night was born.

I'd come to realize even the inhumane feel. I could not escape the remnants of mortal life, still just as far away from perfection.

Then you came, as wary as I.

I knew their was something about you but I couldn't put my finger on it at the time.

Jean d'Arc.

Who would've know you'd break my cycle of gloom.

The two of us drowning in our individual burdens found a sense of belonging with each other.

I may not ever say this to you but I am forever grateful for you, my friend.

I hope in my eyes it shows, I care for you.

You saved me from myself.

It remains difficult for me, emotions.

Caring for you makes me feel more human than I've ever felt.

Our burdens are heavy but you're the light at the end of the tunnel.

My friend, I hope I can even come close to repaying you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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