Chapter 1

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(A/N beware some events are changed) (A/N the cyclops didn't build the symbol of powers.)

-Mount Othrys-

"Kronos my lord, here's your wine I've tested it and it's the finest at Mount Othrys." Kronos took the drink, and he chugged it all at once. Zeus actually gave him a potion made by my wife Metis, when he drank the potion he vomited out my siblings named Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, and Hades. They were adults Zeus' mother Rhea told him stories about how they looked so I instantly knew everyone.

 "Traitor!" Kronos roared, which caused all my siblings to run away from the Throne room, "Why did you save us? And what's your name?" The siblings asked, "I'm your youngest brother Zeus, and together we will rebel against the Titans!" Zeus roared, they were all so focused on him that they walked into a young looking Titan. "Titan, brothers, sisters kill him!" Zeus screamed, the siblings rushed at the Titan "Wait!" the Titan said, "I'm just looking for my mother Rhea, please just direct to me wheee she is and I'll be on my way." The Titan looked frightened, like he just saw a ghost. But in reality he saw something much worse, he saw what they're capable of and he wanted no part in it. "Rhea? You mean our mom?" Demeter asked, "Yes, Rhea queen of the Titans, and you mean she's your mom, doesn't that make me your half sibling?" Zeus was tired of all this conversation and punched the Titan making him unconscious. "What the gods was that for!" His gloomy brother said who's known as Hades, "He was a threat, we should camp we have ran like 400 miles, there's this mountain a few more miles away we can live on top of there!" Zeus' face glimmered with excitement.

-400 miles later-

The gods were sweating godly sweat, if mortals drank the sweat they could become demigod level. "We're finally here!" Poseidon screamed, he was relieved it felt like they've been running for millennia, and to top it off Poseidon was carrying the Titan Zeus knocked out. All of the gods ran up the mountain using their godly strength and endurance, "I established a few huts enough for all of us but first we have to interrogate the Titan." Zeus had a evil smile, as the Titan woke up  Zeus began to interrogate him, "Who's your mother?!" Zeus yelled at him, "I don't know Rhea never told m—," A woman with a green dress opened the hut's door "Zeus, this isn't anyway to treat your brother." As the woman finished opening the door the Titan saw her face, "MOTHER!"

Perseus broke out of the chains the gods tied him in and gave his mother a bear hug, "Perseus, I haven't seen you in years." Rhea was crying tears of joy, she thought her son died from the monsters at Tartarus. All of the Olympians watched as the mysterious Titan hugged their mother Rhea. "Mother, sorry to interrupt this moment but who is the Titan's father?" Hera asks, Zeus immediately gets feelings for his sister. 'Huh is it possible I can impress her?' Zeus thought, "No you can't brother, and don't try or I'll squash you with my fists." Hera says while reading his mind (A/N Hera doesn't actually read his mind, since gods can't read each other minds, they can just guess and that's exactly what Hera did.) Zeus' face turned into a crimson red blush and he exited the hut. Rhea coughed into her hands and laughed, "My son here is named Perseus meaning avenger or destroyer. His father is Kronos, so you two are siblings." Everyone was shocked at this news. 

-11 years later Perseus POV-

I was slashing and jabbing Hyperion, while my brother Zeus was attacking Kronos my other brother Poseidon is attacking Atlas, and Hades is attacking. The rest of the Olympians were attacking monsters and other Titans. "Foolish god, you should surrender when you had the chance!" Hyperion mocked me, and turned into pure light but I wasn't going to let that stop me now. 

I ran at the light and slashed him with a sword but he dodged and used a dagger to jab my ribs. I was bleeding golden ichor, so I called some monsters from Tartarus to help my companion Typhon from the ground. "Impossible! No one can summon Typhon not even sorcerers!" Hyperion tried to look calm but in reality he was shaking in his light (pun intended) "Hydra attack." I say with a huge smirk on my face, Hyperion tries a speed attack but Typhon stops him in his tracks, Hyperion tries to attack back but Typhon just tears his limbs and ripped off his head. "My Lord, I've taken care of Hyperion do you have anything else for me to do?" Typhon was bowing down to Perseus, he wouldn't dare attack Perseus since he was the most powerful god. "You may assist my brother Zeus in attacking Kronos." Perseus said, Typhon looked eager but tried to hide it, he then skipped along to fight Kronos.

-2 months later-

I was whistling on Olympus everything was good I was a patron for a city I treated everyone equal unlike my father life was just good I even had some respect, I was so deep into my thoughts that I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I said it was a nymph named Nylo "M'Lord it's my fault." She bowed down then left.

Instantly, I heard my sister Demeter issue a council meeting on Olympus I flashed to Olympus onto my bland throne. I saw all of my brothers and sisters, looking at me "Perseus, it's time we call the fates for you, we've all got our domains except for you." I couldn't even respond before they started chanting in Ancient Greek, they were saying 

'O, Moirai we summon you, to give our brother his domains. P.S if you come we'll give you 1,000,000 drachma' with that the Fates came  inside of the council room with a bright surge of light. 

"You've summoned us, we've mostly only came for the drachmas." Clotho said, while Atropos elbowed Clotho, I walked up to the Moirai and kneeled the 3 Fates touched my forehead, and said "Such a tragic fate with someone so young. Perseus, king of gods, prince of Tartarus, god of assassins,  quests, stars, bachelors, youth, swordsmanship, and one other domain we can't tell you yet. The Fates then flashed out, all of the other gods and goddesses were dumbfounded, how did they're elder brother be so damn powerful. 

"You're so powerful!" Zeus said with a astonished face, "I'm flattered now if you excuse me getting domains hurt." With that said I went in my bedroom and collapsed, in my dream I saw me living life with my queen and it felt so good. But then the dream took a dark turn, my wife was killed by the Olympians and she faded into the Void, where gods go to when they fade. I watched in horror they were mocking her and then I was pierced through the heart by a monster, and I faded myself. 

I woke up in my bed, tied in golden ropes and right in front of me all the Olympians were in front of me with full battle armor. "Hey guys! I think I've gotten tied can you help me?" The Olympians snorted, then I understood the situation, they tied me it wasn't some random nymph or satyr who wanted to prank me. "Brothers sisters think hard about this if I come back I won't show any mercy." I growled, the leader of this rebellion was my brother— ex-brother Zeus. I sent a deadly glare at Zeus, while all the Olympians raised their godly weapons, Poseidon used his trident, Zeus used his master bolt, Hades wasn't even here, etc. they all blasted me and I faded, yeah it hurt a lot thanks for asking me. You may be like ha Perseus you didn't actually die you just pulled a Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Don't ask how I know what that is let's just say the void are millennia's into the future.

A/N woohoo 1368 words! PB I usually write 1000, also give your theories about Perseus.

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